Play With Me - Brittany Cournoyer Page 0,61

his hands on me that way, and I prayed to whoever was listening that this was real, and he wasn’t going to change his mind at the last minute. Surely the sex gods weren’t that cruel?

With his hand still grasping my hard shaft, he pressed his lips against my neck. “Take me to your room, Stellan. Show me what my body was made for. Prove to me what you can do with this,” he challenged as he squeezed my cock harder.

My hands were still on his ass, so I slid them down until I was grasping the backs of his thighs. With one swift movement, I lifted him into the air, and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I released one thigh and cupped the back of his head, and he took my cue to fuse our lips back together. I didn’t need to look where I was going as I walked, and in a matter of seconds we were in my bedroom. I walked toward the bed, and when I felt my shins hit the mattress, I lowered him to the bed.

When I pulled back and saw him lying on my black comforter with heavy-lidded eyes and kiss-swollen lips, I knew. This wasn’t going to be a quick and rough fuck. I needed to step up to the challenge and make him feel.

“Do you trust me?” I rasped, repeating my question from days before. An idea came to mind, and I wanted nothing more than to execute it.

“More than anything.”

“Then don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be here. Anything I need to do?”

I hummed before answering him. “Get naked.”

Then, after giving him a warm, promising kiss, I quickly left the room on a mission. After finding what I needed, I returned to my room and paused in the doorway at the sight before me. Foster was sprawled on my bed in all his naked glory. My eyes started at his bare toes, skimmed up his long legs that wrapped so effortlessly around my waist and paused to take in his full, cut cock that I’d had the immense pleasure of putting into my mouth. When my breathing became labored and my own dick hurt in need of release from the confinement of my pants, I continued on my path up his waist, over his flat nipples, before finally coming to a stop on his beautiful face.

There was no apprehension in his gaze. Instead, his face was flushed with anticipation and his eyes shined with what I could only describe as need. He needed me, and it was time to give myself to him.



My fingers grasped the hem of my shirt, and I slowly pulled it up my torso, revealing my inked skin. The skull tattoo that covered my entire abdomen had been a labor of love and pain, and I could feel Foster’s eyes taking it all in as I yanked the shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor. Then, I stepped closer to the bed as he tracked my movements and came to a pause beside it.

“Sit up,” I demanded huskily.

He didn’t ask any questions as he pushed himself into a seated position. After reaching into my back pocket, I produced one of the items I’d grabbed and held it up for him to see. I searched his eyes, seeking silent approval or any sign that he wasn’t feeling what I was proposing.

His plump lips quirked at the corners before he spoke. “Do you plan on tying me up?”

I shook my head. “Better. Are you game?”

“Go for it.”

I stepped closer, wrapped the gray scarf I’d retrieved from the closet around his head, and tied it securely in the back. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Is it too tight?”

Foster shook his head. “No, it’s actually soft.”

“Go ahead and lie back down.” I helped him get situated back on the pillow.

As I looked at him with his eyes covered, I thought about the trust he was giving to me, and my stomach swooped. I wanted to make this good for him, and I was hit with an onslaught of nerves that I’d fuck it up somehow. And that wouldn’t do. The only fucking that would be done was me fucking him, and that was it.

I grabbed the other item from my pocket and lay it on the bed before dropping my hands to my pants and popping the button. Then, I slowly slid the zipper down, and I watched as Foster shivered.

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