Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,59

going to hurt me. It’s right there in his eyes every time he looks at me. He wants to treasure me, love me, and he wants to hold me high up on a pedestal, and it’s a feeling I’ve never experienced in my life.

It’s a feeling that I’m not sure I want to live without.

Bull’s arm tightens around me, and I relax into him. He’s still fast asleep with the sun streaming across his face, which somehow makes his impressive jawline that much sharper. I don’t know how he sleeps like this. The second the sun hits my face, I’m up. Well, if it’s not the sun waking me up, then usually it’s the girls. Though, that has me wondering why the hell they’re not in here already.

My eyes rake over Bull, taking in every little line of his face as he sleeps. He had just come off a 48-hour shift, so it’s no wonder he’s so tired. I don’t know how he does what he does. It’s like constantly living on the edge. I’d be scared to show up at work every day not knowing what kind of situation I could be thrown into. But he faces it like a pro and always comes out the other end with a story for my girls that only makes them idolize him more.

I could lay here forever, taking him in with this feeling of being on cloud nine, but nature calls.

Damn it.

I slide out from under his arm, going carefully as to not wake him. He needs all the sleep he can get, as I don’t doubt that today is going to be another massive day. The girls will probably be up soon, and they’re going to be climbing all over him, begging him to teach them how to ride. I mean, Bull bought Ryan a fucking bike for Christ’s sake, and I doubt she’ll lets us get through breakfast before demanding to get started.

My poor little heart isn’t going to be able to take it, but I trust Bull to keep my babies safe. I don’t understand why, though. Never in a million years would I trust another man with my children, not even their father, but Bull just gets it. He gets me.

I tiptoe across the room and scoop up Bull’s shirt from the floor before slipping it over my head. It falls down and sits just above my knees, and I find myself loving it.

I trudge out to the kitchen and get myself a coffee before pouring one for Zoey and Bull. I don’t doubt that they’re both going to want to sleep in, but there are two little girls who are going to make that incredibly hard.

I leave their coffees on the counter and take myself out to the deck. The morning breeze hits my skin, and surprisingly, it’s not too bad. I drop down onto a deck chair, take a welcomed sip of coffee, and look out at the stunning lake.

It’s simply beautiful here. If it wasn’t so far away from the rest of the world, I could live here.

A few minutes pass before the sound of a door opening in the distance catches my attention. I look down the row of cabins and find Zoey shaking her head as she stalks out of Jet’s place, sex hair and all.

I stifle a grin as she mutters to herself. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What the hell was I thinking?” Zoey practically flies past Chief’s cabin, and I notice Jet step out behind her, watching Zoey hurry away with an amused smirk across his handsome face.

Zoey bolts up the stairs in front of me, probably hoping she can get into her bed before anyone realizes that’s not where she slept, but too fucking late.

I clear my throat and grin wide as she comes to a startling stop before me. Her eyes flick up from the ground and bulge out of her head. “Fuck,” she grunts, looking at me like a deer in headlights. I raise a brow, unable to wipe the look off my face. Zoey huffs and storms straight past me. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Uh-huh,” I laugh moments before the door closes between us.

The next few hours go just as I expected. The girls wake with a ravenous craving for breakfast as Jet finds his way over, grinning at Zoey every chance he gets. Bull uses every single excuse under the sun to touch me, but no complaints here.

It’s a perfect day.

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