Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,5

stare down into those eyes, which seem to have completely captured me, and just as I’m starting to get a read on this angel, just when I see something there, a wall slams down, locking me out.

What the fuck was that?

“You’re delusional if you think I’m about to give you my number. You’re a freaking stalker.”

A grin pulls at my lips, absolutely loving her fiery attitude. She’s sharp and quick, and for some reason, I can’t wait to hear what else she throws at me. “I swear, I’m not a stalker. Just a guy who couldn’t resist coming and talking to you.”

She narrows her eyes on me for a brief moment, as if deciding if she’s going to give me the benefit of the doubt. But the sexy lioness from two seconds ago is gone, replaced by a tortured soul.

This woman before me isn’t who I thought she was. This woman knows what it takes to protect herself, and that wall she just slammed up tells me she's been hurt before. By what, though? And who the fuck was stupid enough to hurt her?

Seeing my shot disappearing before my eyes, I dive straight in. What have I got to lose? She’s either going to give me the time of day or tell me to fuck off.

I lean into her. I know somewhere within that beautiful head of hers, she’s just as affected by my presence as I am by hers. "You look a little lost,” I say, indicating to the vast array of paint brushes in her cart. “What can I help you with?"

She blanches, her face blushing a stunning shade of red. Is it embarrassment or does this angel like what she sees? I don’t know about her, but I’d like to see just how far that blush creeps down that beautiful body of hers.

Shit. Reign it in. You’re going to fuck it up even more.

Her eyes fall from mine, and it’s like an emptiness pulling at me. It takes everything I have to stop myself from clicking my fingers in her face and forcing those blue eyes back to mine.

I don’t know what this is, but I hope I haven’t blown my chance before she shuts me out completely. I don’t even know her name, but something deep inside my gut is screaming at me to give it my all. This girl is special, and just looking at her, it’s easy to tell, but something has me wondering if she would feel the same.

“Uhhh,” she stumbles out, looking anywhere but at me, waving that ridiculous brush in my face. I mean, what the fuck does she plan on doing with that besides clocking me in the face? “I … I’m all good, thanks.”

Fuck, that voice of hers wraps around me like a welcome blanket on a winter’s night. How the hell does this one woman in ripped jeans, sneakers, and a plain black tank have that kind of power over me?

Her tone says loud and clear; back the fuck up, but I’m not one to give in that quickly, and certainly not with a girl like her. I need to see this through. Something tells me I’d regret it if I didn’t. Fuck it, I couldn’t live with myself if I were to leave without giving it a shot. What if this becomes something great? Besides, who am I to deny the woman if I’m what she needs in her life?

With that extra shot of cocky confidence, I can’t help the smirk that settles over my face, loving how she involuntarily sucks in a breath. “You sure, Angel?” I question, piercing my eyes into hers and hating the way she seems to step back away from me as though I’m the wolf about to blow down her castle.

She shakes her head ever so slightly. “Ummm, yeah, I’m all good thanks.”

My pager cuts her off, and I want to throw the damn thing across the store for interrupting whatever it is she was going to say.

I look down at the bastard. Why now? This better be fucking important. Damn it. It’s not exactly an emergency, more of a hurry up and get your ass down to the fire station page.

I look at the beautiful woman before me, watching me with amusement in her eyes, clearly having decided that the whole stalking thing was just a misunderstanding. “Gotta run,” I tell her as a wave of disappointment washes over me. I haven’t even asked her name yet.

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