Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,38

to handle. I just hope she doesn’t feel the need to put up a fight, but my gut is telling me that she will. I can’t wait.

Smirking to myself. I come to the conclusion that we have a change of plans for tonight. Screw the elaborate, sweep her off her feet date that I had planned. This right here is where I want to be.

Looks like we’re eating in tonight, and with that sorted, I press the paint brush to the wall and get busy giving this little girl the bedroom of her dreams.



I tilt my head under the hot stream of water and let it cascade down over me while hoping it somehow has the power to wash away my fears. What the hell was I thinking? Zoey warned me that Bull was going to show up, even he warned me himself, yet I chose to be an idiot and didn’t believe it for one second.

What the hell would he want with me anyway? I’m a single mother with two rug rats and an ex who is more trouble than he’s worth. Not to mention, I’m not exactly a Victoria’s Secret model. I could definitely benefit from a few extra squats and possibly a sit up or two.

I am the definition of a girl with baggage, and it makes absolutely no sense why he would be interested in me. Actually, if anyone is nuts around here, it’s got to be the crazy woman who left the strange, intense man alone in her home.

I can only imagine how Zoey is going to react to this. She’d demand to know why the hell I was alone in this shower right now, not having the time of my life. As soon as she finished hounding me about that, she’d be grilling me on why I felt the need to escape so urgently.

What can I say? My priorities are all screwed up.

The shampoo rinses from my hair, and I’m left here wondering how else I can prolong this shower and avoid heading back out there. I’ve washed and conditioned my hair, scrubbed myself clean, and even shaved my legs. He probably thinks I’ve been doing ungodly things to myself being in here this long.

I have to face him sooner or later, and it’s probably best I get it over and done with. I just wish it wasn’t so hard for me to breathe when I’m around him. I can’t think when he’s near. This man is going to draw me in, and I’m pretty sure it might just kill me … in the best way possible.

I turn off the taps and step out of my shower before reaching for my towel, only my hand falls flat. My eyes bulge out of my head. Where the fuck is my towel?

My eyes flick from left to right. “Shit,” I groan low, starting to panic. I’m in trouble. In my haste to get away from Bull, I stormed in here without thinking it through. Now I’m standing here butt naked without a towel and no clean clothes.

Options, options, options.

Chill the fuck out, Amelia. You’ve got this.

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out before calmly looking around and realizing my options aren’t great. I can either call out for Bull to come and save me, which I have no doubt he would absolutely love. He’d swoop in like some kind of knight in bulging muscles and promise not to peek, but it’s no secret that he’d be lying just to make me feel better about the situation. I can grab a roll of toilet paper and wrap it around me like a mummy until all the important bits are covered, then make a break for it. Or I can do the dreaded nudie run and hope to God he’s not standing out in the hallway.

Damn it. These aren’t great options.

Standing here and freezing for the rest of the night is looking pretty damn good right about now, though my nipples don’t really agree. They’re sharp enough to cut right through glass and are begging for some warmth.

I could put my old clothes back on … no. No, no, no, no. Hard pass. Not after the day I had. I spent the morning making homemade playdough with the girls—which somehow ended up everywhere—went to the gym with Zoey, and then spent the afternoon painting. So, no, there’s no way I’m putting that shit back on.

Fuck, I really need that damn towel.

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