Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,35

future—my truck parked out front, pulling up from a long day at work. The house would be lit up like the fourth of July with the girls running around, causing havoc as my angel watches on from the porch. I can tell you what, it doesn’t scare me one bit.

Jumping out of the truck, I hear a god-awful screeching from inside; Zoey must be here. The sounds that come from that girl while she’s sleeping are quite impressive. I can only imagine the sounds that come from her as she tries to carry a tune. Actually, I don’t need to imagine it at all because I can hear it now. I feel sorry for the neighbors. Hell, I feel sorry for Jet if he intends to go after that woman.

I look back to the street in case I missed Zoey’s car but don’t see anything. Huh. That’s strange. Zoey was all for our date tonight and I got the impression that she was down to watch the girls, but if the sound isn’t coming from Zoey, then that must mean … oh no.

I head to the front porch and knock hard on the door, knowing with absolute certainty there’s no way whoever is inside this house can hear me, but I try it anyway.

Amelia has the music cranked up so loud the glass windows are vibrating to the beat of the bass. The song has now changed and is playing AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ and she’s rocking out as though she’s at some sort of concert.

Deciding to track her down myself, I walk around the side of the house following the sounds of a tortured animal. This is one of my favorite songs, and this girl is absolutely butchering it. But for some reason, knowing that it’s her makes it all kinds of endearing.

I get to the bedroom window and peer inside only to get the surprise of my life. That god-awful sound is coming from my angel. She’s shaking her ass like nobody's watching, singing into the end of the paint brush as though it’s a microphone, and flinging paint all over the room. But more importantly, why the hell does this have me smiling like a fucking idiot?

Amelia cannot hold a tune to save her life. She sounds more like a screeching cat being murdered than a beautiful woman enjoying a night in. She shakes her ass while I take in her attire. She doesn’t look like someone who’s ready to go out for dinner, which has me wondering if she’s forgotten all about it or if she’s really not down for a date. The only thing I do know is that she looks absolutely stunning in those tiny shorts and that old, worn shirt.

I let her rock out a little longer and then knock on the window once her song comes to an end. She squeals out and spins around, and if the language coming out of her mouth is anything to go by, I’d dare say that I scared the absolute shit out of her.

She takes me in, and I wait a moment for her to relax before waving my fingers like the creeper she must think I am. First, it’s stalking her around the hardware store, then welcoming myself into her place to plug in the power for the welder, and now this. I’m not making a great impression.

Amelia shakes her head, but I don’t miss the smile she attempts to cover. She crosses the room and turns the music down before indicating for me to meet her by the front door. She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I nod my head, letting her know that I understand, before turning around and heading back to the front of the house.

As I walk around, I take in her home. The place she lives is really quite nice. If I could afford any place to live in this town, it would be right here, you know, assuming that I had a family of my own. Her grass could probably do with a mow, and I quickly decide that’s something I can do for her, but other than that, Amelia keeps her house pretty nice. If it wasn’t for the swing set at the side of the house and trampoline, you wouldn’t know kids lived here.

It’s perfect for her.

As I come around the corner of her house, my beautiful angel stands there before me, and I can’t help but stop and take her in. What is it about this Copyright 2016 - 2024