Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,33

“fuck yeah,” are stamped across her forehead. “I was working late on Friday night—”

“Wait,” I cut in. “You mean working at the store, or you know, working?”

She laughs out. “I was at the store,” she confirms. “It was a busy day, and I didn’t get much time to do all my admin stuff, so I stayed after closing to get it done. Anyway, I was going through my mail and had this package. It was this new dildo that just hit the market. It’s got this little suction thing for your clit, and it vibrates. You know, just what I like. Anyway, my readers have been asking for some reviews on things they could use with their partners, and well, as you know, I don’t have one of those,” she pulls a face, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh, geez,” I groan. “Maybe I don’t want to hear this story after all.”

“No, no,” she says. “Stay with me. It’s a good one.”

“Fine. Go on.”

“So,” she smiles widely. “It was like, maybe nine on a Friday night when I finally got out of there, and as I was leaving, that bar across the road was having a Bitches N Bro’s night.”

“Wait. You went into that bar? Are you nuts? You know that place is owned by the Black Widows MC, right?”

“Of course, I know that,” she says, rolling her eyes at me. “I work across the road from it. I make it my business to know.”

I shake my head and try to let it go. That place isn’t somewhere girls like us should be seen. The Black Widows are dangerous, and not to mention, they have chapters all over the country. Some motorcycle clubs, others are feared street gangs who probably all belong behind bars. But seeing as though this is Zoey’s story, I try to look past it and concentrate on what she has to say. “What the fuck is a Bitches N Bro’s night?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, but they’d been advertising it for the past few weeks, so I assumed it was going to be huge. Anyway, I thought, fuck it, and went in with my new toy tucked in my handbag. I figured if I was going to find someone with a little kink, that was the place.”

I shake my head, staring at her in awe. I mean, how are you even supposed to approach that topic with a guy you just met?

“Fast forward, I met Jet, and he was cool and seemed a little edgy. So I figured he was down for a little, you know, not quite so straightforward kind of fun, and he took me back to his place.”

“Shit. You didn’t use that thing on him, did you?” I squawk. I mean, I haven’t been with anyone since Bryce, but I could imagine what his reaction would have been if I suggested we played with a few little toys. Though, maybe I should have. I probably would have gotten at least a little satisfaction out of it.

“No,” she howls with laughter. “Though, I have a feeling he would have been down for that too. He seems like the kind.”

“Ewwwwww,” I groan. “Did he at least know that you had an ulterior motive, or did you just spring the dildo on him halfway through like, ‘Hey Jet, make some room, this bad boy is coming in here too?’ ”

“No,” she laughs. “I explained what I do at the bar, and he was down with it. His eyes practically bulged out of his head with interest. He couldn’t leave with me fast enough.”

“Geez,” I laugh. “I don’t know how you haven’t had an STD by now.”

“I know,” she grins, proudly. “I’m pretty fucking awesome.”

“So, what happened?”

“Well, if you’d read my blog like you said you did, you would already know, wouldn’t you?” she laughs but continues, despite my scolding glare. “We got to his place, and things started heating up, and man, he’s so fucking hot. His body … fuck. You saw him, right?”

“Yeah, but to be honest, I wasn’t really paying him that much attention.”

“You should have. You did yourself an injustice by skimming over that,” she tells me. “This guy,” she continues, all breathy. “He was the one to dive for the toy and the suction thing … he used it everywhere. Add that to the vibration, and fuuuuck. I’ve never come so hard in my life. I mean, I think my soul was trying to leave my body, but he was Copyright 2016 - 2024