Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,13

her eyes, and something tells me that her panic over her daughter's situation has her walls temporarily down. This is the real Angel I'm seeing right now, the one who’s not busily trying to guard herself, unlike the one I met in the store the other day.

She tilts her chin up, giving me a cocky grin. “Kind of hard not to,” she murmurs, her body practically screaming at me to touch her, though I won’t dare, not until she’s begging me for it.

Chief chuckles behind me, and I shoot him a glare. “I was not stalking her,” I clarify, earning the sweetest breathy scoff from the woman.

“Uh-huh,” Chief grumbles.

As I turn back to her, my eyes travel down her body, over the peanut butter covered baby who looks just like her big sister, only half the size. Her white tank is covered in oil that’s made it completely see-through, showing off the most perfect set of tits beneath and making my cock twitch in my pants.

The realization that the boys can see what I’m seeing has fury rippling through me, and I try my best to reign it in. But fuck it, I don’t want these bastard ogling what I haven’t even had a chance to explore yet.

The fact that we’ve been here for a good ten minutes and Chief has had her over in the corner this whole time has me seeing red. What the fuck was he trying to do? Get in with my woman? Stare at her tits long enough, hoping he could magically make her shirt disappear?

I step into her, and she sucks in a breath, completely put off by me welcoming myself into her personal space. But the way her nipples start to harden tells me a different story. “Angel,” I murmur, my voice low and making her bite down on her lip. “While I have to thank you for putting on such a fine show, I do suggest putting on a new shirt before my boys get so fucking distracted that they can’t work on freeing your kid.”

Her brows furrow, unsure of what I’m talking about until I glance down, intently staring at her tits. Her eyes follow mine, and I can’t help the smirk that cuts across my face as she sees what I see.

She sucks in a breath. “Fuck.”

She launches her baby at me as her face instantly blushes a deep shade of red, a red that suits her well. I hardly have a second to catch the little tiger before she crosses her arms over her tits and darts inside.

“Aw, come on, man,” Jet whines. “What’d you do that for? I was enjoying that.”

“Knock it off,” I tell him with a growl, instantly getting defensive as I adjust the peanut butter covered baby in my arms. I step into Jet, making sure he hears me loud and clear. “Ryan probably isn’t enjoying having her head stuck between two metal poles. She’d probably appreciate it if you weren’t thinking about fucking her mom.”

Jet watches me for a silent moment. “You know this chick or something?”

I shake my head and step away. I’m not getting into this shit with him.

The boys get back to business, focusing on Ryan as I bounce the baby in my arms who’s looking at me with a curious smile. Babies don’t usually hate me, but I’m a big guy. I’m intimidating, and they usually take a while to warm up. Not this one though, she’s fearless.

I stand back, bouncing Angel’s little mini-me on my hip while watching the boys, throwing out every damn suggestion that flows through my head. I know, without a doubt, they're not listening to me. We all have exactly the same training. Whatever thoughts are running through my head would certainly be going through theirs as well. The fact that I'm voicing those thoughts probably just pisses them off, which I can definitely live with.

Angel comes hurrying out of the house with a new top, and from the way her nipples aren’t protruding from her shirt, I’d dare say she put a bra on too. Now, why the hell does that disappoint me so much?

I find my eyes running over her again. She’s fucking beautiful. No doubt about it. Even with the messy hair that hasn’t been brushed and the splotches of butter rubbed down her thighs.

I hand the little tiger back to her mom and grin at the way she tries to dive back into my arms. "Sorry, Tiger. I need to help Copyright 2016 - 2024