Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,103

of fast-tracking the proceedings. Bull, It’s done with.”

Stumbling back towards the bed, I put my hand out so that I don't fall onto my ass. I’m in complete shock. “It can’t be that easy.”

The nurse nods toward the envelope in my hand. “I’m sure you will find more answers to your questions in that note there, son.”

Shaking my head, I shove the letter in the back pocket of my jeans. How could she just give up on him without a fight? With a tight smile on my face, I thank the doctors, and Mallory informs me that she will be in touch shortly.

With that, I walk out of Jessa's room, knowing that I will never have to deal with her ever again.

Strike three motherfucker.



I stand over Zeke’s crib, staring down at his tiny little body and feeling a connection with him that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to feel. He’s not my biological child, but I already love him as my own, which is exactly what he’s going to be. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m going to be his mother. He will never know another. He’s mine, and I don’t care if Jessa decides to come waltzing back. She’ll have to fight me for him.

How could she do this to him? One second, she was lying in her hospital bed, and the next thing we knew, she was gone without a trace.

He’s a defenseless child with no way of protecting himself from the ugliness of the world. She should have protected him like she should have done for herself. She should have ensured the best start for this child. Hell, even if she was having doubts about being his mother, she could have voiced those fears and made arrangements with Bull. She didn’t need to hurt him. No baby ever deserves what she did to him.

My eyes well with tears. This happens every time I think about it. It’s been three months of hospital visits, and every day I’ve sat with him and watched as he’s gotten stronger and stronger. I’m so proud of him already. He’s going to be an incredible, happy little boy who makes my world so much brighter every damn day. The girls are going to love him just as they love each other, and just as they love Bull and me.

Coby and Ryan have only met him once, and it was only for a brief moment, but it’s all I’ll allow at this point, for their sake and for his. I didn’t want them seeing more of him. He’s tiny and only had the tubes and cords removed a few days ago. Seeing him like this is only going to worry them, so when they meet him for real, it’s going to be when he’s at his best, though, hopefully, it won’t be much longer. They’re dying to meet their little brother properly.

Things are really looking up for Zeke. When he was first born, he was so small and already extremely malnourished. It made me wonder why the doctors didn’t pick up on his small size earlier. Maybe Jessa wasn’t attending all her scans like she said she was.

Zeke needed a lot of help, especially right after he was born. He would cry non-stop, and my heart broke every time I heard his precious little voice. It’s impossible to know because he can’t tell me with words, but I could have sworn he sounded in pain. It’s been a long and bumpy journey for him, and after these very long few months, he should be well enough to bring home over the next few days.

I’m not going to lie, it’s been hard. Like really fucking hard, but I’ve had both Zoey and Bull to keep me strong. I don’t know if it’s the hormones from my pregnancy, but for some reason, this is hitting me harder than anything has ever hit me before.

Bull and I have been tackling this head-on. I’m at the hospital while he’s at work, and then we switch once he comes off shift, but with Coby and Ryan at home, there have had to be times where Zeke is left alone, and it kills me. I know the nurses have him under control, but he’s just a baby and should never be left like that. He needs the comfort of a loving, familiar voice. Moments where that regrettably happens, Bull’s mom is happy to go and sit with him, and I’ve never been so grateful. She Copyright 2016 - 2024