Play Dirty (Wages of Sin #2) - Neve Wilder Page 0,79

usually meant to be taken figuratively, rather than literally. But what do I know? English is only my third language.” Az lifted an arrogant brow that was likely meant to annoy Madigan but had the opposite effect. “Regardless, I figured I had a little leeway.”

“Fine. The kill is yours. Congrats on your well-deserved reward,” Madigan grumbled, trying to staunch the beginnings of a smile. It didn’t work. His relief that Azrael was still breathing was too enormous.

“You think I care about the reward?” Az caught Madigan by the nape of his neck and pulled him in close.

“No.” Madigan brushed his lips over Az’s, the contact brief but full of intent.

Az held Madigan’s gaze a beat longer, and then inclined his chin. “You should probably check on Eastman.”

“He’s not dead?”

“Uncertain.” Az grimaced as Madigan urged him to put more pressure on the wound. “When I got in here, he’d already been shot. He had a pulse, but I didn’t linger. I went for that other door. Thought I got Bennington, but it was one of his guards. Bennington was an unwelcome surprise from behind.”

They both glanced toward the door as staccato bursts of gunfire sounded in the hallway. “Rest for a minute. I’ve got us covered. I’ll check Eastman.”

Madigan rose and rounded the desk where the doctor was lying on his side. From the new vantage point, he could see the pulse fluttering at his throat. “He’s alive.” Madigan crouched down next to him, confirmed that his pulse wasn’t too thready or faint and then scrutinized him more intently. Eastman groaned as Madigan pressed his fingers to his lower back. “Can you move your feet?”

Eastman moved the toe of his shoe.

“Good. We’ll get you fixed up.”

“You’re not going to kill me?” Eastman tilted his head, meeting Madigan’s eyes, more coherent than Madigan had given him credit for. And even more interesting, Madigan detected no fear in the man’s gaze, just overt curiosity.

“We made a deal. You fulfilled your end, presumably. We have questions we’ll want answers to. If it turns out that you betrayed us, then you’ll answer for that. Otherwise, you’ll be free to go.”

Returning to Azrael’s side, he smacked the man’s hands as he tore at the Velcro straps of his body armor. “Wait until we’re clear, then I’ll get you out of it.”

Az relented and rested his back against the sofa as Madigan reached out and gently wiped sweat from his brow. Az’s pallor gnawed at him, but when Madigan checked the wound again, Az rolled his eyes with a chuckle. “Quit brooding over it like a hen. It hurts, yes, but I’ve had worse.”

“Should I take that as a personal challenge?” Madigan couldn’t quite muster the malicious smile he intended. He simply cared too damn much for Azrael.

“I’d prefer if our challenges were limited to the bedroom from now on,” Az said, and Madigan leaned forward to brush a kiss over his sweat-damp forehead.

The gunfire went quiet, and Cas’s voice came over the comm. “Report, Jonah?”

“Still on the rooftop. Entry points are clear again for now. I’ve got eyes on all of them. I’ll speak for Ronin since he’s out here wrapping up some loose ends.”

Another burst of gunfire came over the line, and then Ronin spoke. “Loose ends are wrapped.”


“Near the safe room with Azrael and Eastman. I’m good. They’re both injured but stable.”


“I’m clear. Madi, you need help down there?”

“Yep. We’re going to need transport for Eastman and Az.”

“I can fucking walk,” Az growled.

“Az says he needs a stretcher.” Madigan ducked the half-hearted punch Az threw with his good arm.

“I’m on my way,” Sadie said. “Is that fucking Christmas music? This whole place is decked out like a Disney World Christmas nightmare. It’s gross.”

Madigan had noticed the faint strains of music earlier, too.

Sadie’s voice came over the line again, this time in a growl. “Cas, can you turn that shit off?”

“Nope. I’ve just gotten back into the system so I can see again, but I can’t—oh. Wait.” A triumphant cry followed and the Christmas music went silent. “There we go.”

Madigan chuckled. “Where’s your holiday spirit, Sadie? Better watch out or Santa will skip your house this year.”

“Get your chimney stuffed, asshole.”

“Did this morning. Highly recommended.”

“Just for that, you’re all getting presents this year, and you’re going to regret it so badly.” Sadie huffed. “I fucking hate Christmas music. Anyone notice how it starts earlier every year? I swear to fuck, I’m going to walk into a mall at the height of summer and ‘Grandma Got Copyright 2016 - 2024