Play Dirty (Wages of Sin #2) - Neve Wilder Page 0,66

me eat.” Az nudged his chin toward the laptop. “I’ll take a look at it in a bit. How’s this: I trust you to figure out the best course of action, motek.”

The fragrant spices that filled the apartment had kicked Madigan’s hunger into high gear, and he finally relented, eating the plate of rice and beans Az set on the table in front of him an hour later. The man could fucking cook, Madigan would give him that.

As they ate, Madigan showed him Bennington’s compound and they studied the entry points and perimeter.

“What’s wrong?” Madigan asked. Az had gone quiet, the frown lines on his forehead deepening. He ran the pad of his thumb along his lower lip as he stared at the drawings.

“Can you bring up those shipping logs again? The ones we were looking at in Rio. If Bennington is a Hydra, then once he’s dead, some other entrepreneur will likely step into his place unless we make that difficult.”

“The goal at the moment is to get the focus off our heads.”

“But, long term, the best thing to do is to attack all at once.” Az reached out, angling the computer screen, arm brushing Madigan’s and causing his skin to pebble as he scrolled through the PDFs. “The Rio location has been seized by police. Likely corrupt ones at that, but once Bennington is dead, there will be a fallow period. Same with Boston Harbor. The other locations are presumably still operable and functioning. But what if there was some sort of coordinated attack after—”

Madigan laughed. “Coordinated attack? We’re mercs, not an army. We don’t join forces. Shit, I can think of at least three other mercs who would gladly kill me on sight even without a price on my head.”

“Finally, an answer to my question. But—” Az grinned. “That is particular to you. I’m well liked.”

“Nope,” Madigan disagreed. “You’re feared because you do weird shit with chemicals. There’s a difference.”

“Not one I particularly care about.”

Madigan’s gaze lingered, then he snapped it away to focus on the screen again. “Alright, so we put Bennington down, and once that’s happened, we…”

“Disrupt his network and supply chain by putting the local authorities on it. That’ll tie up his property and get the women out of there. Once the locations are evacuated, demolish them to send a message. There are plenty of demo guys who could handle that.”

Madigan considered in silence for a moment, mouth curling down in thought. Soren would probably get involved if Madigan asked. Soren had plenty of connections and could easily assemble, oversee, and dispatch some demolition specialists. “I suppose it could work. We can bring it up with Cas and Jonah tomorrow.”

Az leaned back in his chair and offered a satisfied smile that radiated through Madigan’s chest.

“What are you scowling at now?” Az arched a brow.

That your happiness makes me feel good. Madigan’s brows pinched further. Christ, was this what the doctor was talking about? Were these the things he was supposed to be sharing with this man? “Nothing,” Madigan muttered, and Az leaned forward, knuckles of one hand skimming along Madigan’s jaw, forcing him to swallow to keep his eyes from falling shut and his head from tilting into that touch.

The doctor had been right about one thing: Madigan craved Azrael to an unhealthy degree. In the nights since they’d arrived here, Madigan hadn’t kissed Azrael, hadn’t given him any control over his body, and he fucking missed it. Missed the slide of Az’s tongue along his, missed the fullness of Az buried inside him, the weight and heat of his body on top of Madigan’s and then wrapped around him in bed afterward.

Az slid from the chair and collected the dishes, Madigan’s gaze following him distractedly as he deposited the dishes in the sink. “Come to the bedroom when you’re ready.”

It was a simple request, spoken plainly, but it sent an electric thrill up Madigan’s spine regardless. He gave a single nod, then went through the shipping logs again, aiming for distraction and finally giving up when he could no longer fool himself. Or his cock, which had been tenting his pants for the last ten minutes.

He wandered into the bedroom, pondering how he’d use Az tonight and already thumbing open his fly. He expected to find Az in the bed, but it was empty. Madigan nudged the cracked bathroom door wider and leaned against the frame, an unexpected chuckle escaping him.

Azrael was stretched out in the bathtub, head leaned back against the rim, Copyright 2016 - 2024