Play Dirty (Wages of Sin #2) - Neve Wilder Page 0,31


Feeling Az’s ass squeeze him tighter as he came apart triggered Madigan’s orgasm seconds later. Pleasure coiled in his balls and erupted all at once when Az let out a cry as heat jetted over Madigan’s stomach. He milked Az’s cock, forcing him to ride out the orgasm to its very tail end, until they both shuddered with sensitive nerve endings.

Az lifted his hand from Madigan’s neck and cupped his jaw, pressing one last kiss to his lips before he rolled off to one side.

Madigan sucked in a deep breath at the sudden lightness that came with the loss of Az’s weight on top of him. He rolled his head to one side and shook it at the tiny curl of a smile on Az’s mouth. “Don’t say it.”

“You don’t know what I was going to say.” Az smirked.

“Yes, I do. You won’t miss a chance to rub my obstinacy in my face.” Madigan took the hand Az extended as he rolled upright and didn’t resist when Az pulled him close.

“Actually, I was going to tell you to come to bed with me. Big day tomorrow. You don’t need a knot in your neck from the couch distracting you.”

“Well, when you put it logically like that…” Madigan smirked and let Az lead the way to the bedroom.

“Let’s go over it again.” Madigan poured himself more coffee then dropped into one of the kitchen chairs, kicking his feet up on the table and quirking a smile when Az frowned at him.

“Is that really necessary?”

“My feet or revisiting the plan? The answer to both is yes.” Madi sipped from his mug. “This is me relaxed. That’s what you were angling for, yeah?”

Az turned away for a coffee refill, but Madi caught the edge of his smile. Maybe Az had needed that fuck, too. Regardless, Madigan had slept better last night than he had in a week. He’d take the reprieve. His neck didn’t hurt either, which was another bonus. And, on top of it, Madigan had woken up to Az sucking his cock.

Coffee in hand, Az approached the table, shoving Madigan’s feet off the surface and throwing him off balance so that he had to catch the edge of the table to stay upright.

Az sat down next to him. “I’ll be in the restaurant already, at a table alone. You will have eyes on both me and the private room where DiMarco and Bennington will be meeting. You’ll handle the private room. I’ll watch the front and intercept anyone I need to or clean up as needed. We’ll meet up with your guy, Soren, and handle the warehouse where the women are being kept.”

It was a simple plan, and Madigan had no reason not to expect it to go as smoothly as ninety-seven percent of his other kills. What they hadn’t discussed was what came after. Madigan’s mind whirled with questions of opportunity. When they might be able to work together again or whether they’d just go back to their usual games. Superstition made him leery of broaching the subject, though. They could discuss it after they finished this mission and their bank accounts were newly flushed with cash. Maybe he’d take some time off, let some of the other mercs tackle the lesser names on the list.

“So, you were actually listening,” Madigan said drolly.

“I was intrigued by noises coming from you that resembled human speech rather than just grunts and groans.” Az arched a brow and shoved Madigan’s foot when he tried to lift it onto the table again. He tempered a smile. “You’d be surprised what I hear from you, motek. Even when you’re not speaking.”

The angle from the rooftop of the building next door to the restaurant wasn’t optimal, but it wasn’t the worst Madigan had dealt with. Precision wasn’t as important on this job as it was for some of his other ones for private clients, and with a public venue like this, chaos was bound to erupt regardless, so Madigan had chosen a smaller rifle, easier to grab and go when it was time.

He swung the scope from the private room at the back of the restaurant where some of DiMarco’s men had already posted to the main floor of the restaurant. He could just barely glimpse the top of Az’s head where he’d been seated at a small two-top. Again, not optimal, but Az was armed with both chemicals and firepower, and after his performance surveilling the warehouse, Madigan thought he’d handle himself just fine, even Copyright 2016 - 2024