Play Dirty (Wages of Sin #2) - Neve Wilder Page 0,27

might want to mix business with pleasure as they’d done so many times before. Az wasn’t sure if he wanted that or not, but it felt like there was an ocean between him and Madi, even though he was close enough to brush Az’s shoulder as they moved through the crowded space.

Az left Madi at the bar, doing his best to squeeze through the throng of people, who seemed to move on the dance floor as one amorphous figure to the throbbing swell of music. The stairs to the VIP section sat against the far wall, guarded by a man with a gold chain, who stood with his arms crossed over his muscular chest. Az had to lean in close to be heard over the roar, but the man nodded, removing the rope so he could pass.

Upstairs, Ryan sat in a booth surrounded by scantily clad barely legal twinks. When he saw Az, he grinned, waving the boys away before gesturing for him to sit. Az slid into the booth, attempting to keep his distance, at least until the business portion of the conversation was complete.

It had been a long time since Az had found Ryan’s company pleasant. Approximately six weeks before he’d had his first encounter with Madigan, if Az were being honest. Ryan had never been Az’s first choice. He had always been an afterthought, a why-the-hell-not on a lonely night, but he’d never been a friend. Hell, Az wasn’t even sure he could consider him an ally.

Colby Ryan was a mercenary in every sense of the word. He cared about power and money, in that order. If he was selling Az information, it was strictly because it benefitted him to do so. Which made Az somewhat leery, but he was also out of any other options. Bennington and DiMarco were well hidden behind a solid brick wall, both literally and metaphorically. Ryan had once been an assassin, like Az and Madi. Unlike them, Ryan had started as a black ops soldier, a highly trained shadow, who slipped in and out undetected, leaving nothing but corpses to show he’d ever been there at all.

Now, Ryan had traded in his lucrative merc lifestyle for a fancy suit and a steady paycheck as a hired gun for Bennington. Az had no idea why Ryan was choosing to sell out Bennington by giving him this information, but he imagined Ryan had a plan that would have him moving up the ranks somehow. Az didn’t care about Ryan’s promotion opportunity, since he and Madi planned on taking Bennington and DiMarco’s operation down to the studs and putting them out of business for good.

Ryan leaned forward and brushed a kiss across Az’s lips. “Long time, no see, sexy,” he shouted, as if trying to be heard over the music.

“It’s good to see you, too, my friend,” Az lied, his gaze shifting to the bar where Madi lingered, wondering what he thought of Ryan’s friendly greeting. “I don’t wish to be rude, but I’m afraid I’m under a bit of a time constraint. Do you have the address, as we discussed? I’ve already wired the first half of the payment.”

“Azrael, you are no fun. You are here in Rio, the party capital of the world.” He raised his arms, gesturing wildly, eyes glassy. “You need to relax. I can show you a really good time. So could they,” he said, nodding towards the two boys he’d dismissed moments ago.

The boy’s waved, their eyes snagging on Az and lingering. He knew, if given the option, they’d much rather entertain him than Ryan. Az was the more attractive option between the two of them. It wasn’t conceited to say so.

Ryan was beautiful in that way that caught a person’s eye but then made them quickly look away. There was something in his gaze that seemed to repel others, an emptiness that no charm could hide. He was pretty like a doll and equally as plastic, making him both repulsive and forgettable, valuable assets for any killer.

“I wish I had the time. But I’m afraid that’s in short supply when it comes to this information.”

It was clear from the look on Ryan’s face he wasn’t going to be dissuaded. “Dance with me. One dance and the address is yours. Promise.”

Az sighed, his gaze cutting back to Madi, who stood at the bar, a drink sweating forgotten on the counter beside him as he glared upwards in Az’s general direction. Could Madi see Az as well as he Copyright 2016 - 2024