Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,64

turned and waited for him to figure out the hidden zipper. He slid it down her back past her dimples. She shimmied out of the sleeves and let the dress fall. Her white panties sparkled with…something. He didn’t know what, but they sparkled like they were made of diamonds...glitter, maybe? Logan’s heart hurt. Something he’d never felt before squeezed his heart and made it difficult for him to breath. He tried speaking and nothing would come out.

He cleared his throat and tried again. “I’ve never seen anyone more gorgeous than you, Gabriella.” His voice was crackly, and he couldn’t think of anything else to say—her pure beauty rendered him speechless. His heart was full of love. Admiration. Respect. He was blessed that he found the love of his life in his best friend.

He gently kissed her back, not missing her small dimples, and helped her down onto the bed.

“I want to do this.” She slipped her fingers into the waistband of his pants and helped him unbuckle and unzip.

He slid her panties off. She slid his boxers off him.

He pushed her backward onto the bed, hovering over her, finally managing to produce a coherent thought. “I will look forward to this every single day for the rest of my life, Mrs. Reeves.”

She gripped his erection and guided him into her. “And I too, will do the same, Mr. Reeves. But could we do less talking and more of this?”

Hot as Hell and twice as bad…

At least that’s the first impression nanny Brandi Parker gets about the new bodyguard hired by the family to ‘oversee’ her and the children’s protection. She loves her job but living day and night —God, especially the nights — in close quarters with a sex on a stick know-it-all is wearing thin on her nerves. She can handle four little kids with running noses, screaming tantrums and broken toys, but she did not sign up for constant sexual arousal from some arrogant, tattooed hard-ass.

Some like ‘em hot. Red hot…

But not Blaze Bryant. Particularly the flaming hot red-head testing his patience. He’d given up women a long time ago after one mistake proved he wasn’t worthy of anyone’s love. Or trust. So the last thing he needs is this aching attraction to Brandi. No, he knows this is just another job and as soon as he finishes, he’s gone. He’ll never see her again. So why does that thought gnaw at his gut?

Lust filled days and heated nights…

As the nights drag on, Brandi and Blaze can’t fight the passion sparking between them. But when doubts arise and secrets surface is passion enough to hold them together? Or will they be forever separated by a scheme even bigger than Blaze realized, a mistake that might cost Brandi her life.

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Irresistible Billionaires

Are you ready to dive into a new series?

Five Billionaires who enjoy their bachelor status.

Five women who bring them to their knees.

Read on for a peek at Nothing But Trouble.

Chapter One

Michael Vilander needed a date. As the founder and CEO of Together.com, the largest and most successful matchmaking website in the world, it should not be this difficult. He blew out a sigh of frustration.

Tonight everything was against him. He had employee issues to deal with, starting with firing a project manager for posting nude photos of himself at a bonfire, wasted, of course. Michael tried not to worry about what employees did on their own time, but posting it on Together was a direct violation of the website’s terms as well as breaking company policy. Next would be addressing the newly hired intern who wasn’t happy with her office view on the tenth floor. An intern.

He created Together when he was twenty-two, young and dumb by American standards. It sprouted as an idea when his friend couldn’t find a date to his uncle’s wedding. All it took was a discussion at the bar and poof, his website had gone from ten users to over nine million in less than a year. Today, Together was a host to over a billion users – with over seventy percent using the app only. There were thousands of happily married people out there, thanks to him and his team.

But he wasn’t one of them.

Michael enjoyed his bachelor status as much as he enjoyed fine scotch. At thirty-three years old, he knew what he didn’t want and what he did.

Fun. Freedom. Sex.

He’d never had problems with finding women—between the size of his bank account and the size of his dick, his

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