Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,43

plan for Logan as he got acquainted with the other employees at the firm, who would eventually become his employees—If Logan could win them over enough to stay on-board and work for him. “That sounds like a plan, Dad. Are you going to be able to retire, though? What will you do when you have your free days?”

Logan hadn’t quite believed that his father would be able to retire—especially because of the money and his drive to make his clients happy.

Logan’s father assured him that he would be retiring. “Logan, I’ve got things I want to take care of and do. Listen, I have to go but when you move to the city, I promise we’ll spend a day together—away from the firm—and talk, okay?”

There was obviously something more his dad wanted to tell him, but Logan couldn’t guess what that could possibly be about. He would settle for now, but once he got to New York, he would be relentless. Jack would have to tell him what he had up his sleeve. “Sure, Dad. We’ll talk as soon as I get there.”

Logan hung up with his dad and thought of the things he’d gotten done. Everything that needed his immediate attention was done. His house and belongings were figured out. His truck was going to stay in his garage for now. He would most likely sell it when he came back for his mother’s annual Fourth of July party. That wasn’t so far away at this point and since the house had a double car garage, he wasn’t too worried about leaving it there while someone rented the house out.

Aside from some of his clients, as well as a few things he was working on for the credit union, he’d pretty much had everything figured out.

That left one important matter.

His Cinderella.

When had she become his? Maybe the last night they had been in Japan and hadn’t gotten any sleep, and he now knew that he had been the only man in her life to make her scream in pleasure, to watch her writhe her body in heat and anticipation, waiting for his lips to bring her to orgasm. Or maybe she’d become his when they were in the second grade and Billy McKenny had tripped her in the lunch line and she’d started to cry. Logan had helped her up and vowed from there on out that no one would ever make her cry that way again.

That had been the first day of their future.

He tried to ignore the sudden pain in his chest as he thought about leaving Gabriella. The decision had been a lot easier before he’d slept with her. Now, when he thought about her, the thought of leaving didn’t sound as appealing. He liked the way she looked at him—trust in her eyes as she clung to every word he said. He enjoyed the way she whispered his name in bed, while he kissed her supple body. He couldn’t be any happier that he was the one she confided in, the one she told everything to about her life and business. And he loved how, somewhere deep down, he was certain he could convince her to bear his children. And not because he didn’t respect her decision, but because he never believed her enough that what she said was true.

He had this strange feeling when it came to that issue—she could and would, trust in him enough to believe in herself as a mother. He could help her get passed her belief of thinking she wouldn’t ever be good enough to make the best decisions for her children, but he knew better. He knew her. He knew how smart she was. How she never let her better judgment get in the way of her feelings. He knew she loved children even if she didn’t believe in having her own. He also had a gut feeling there was more to her stance than she was letting on. Had she been sexually assaulted? He didn’t think so, but anything was possible. He knew she’d never been pregnant, so he wasn’t convinced about her “no children ever” policy.

Would he be okay never having children if he couldn’t convince Gabbie to change her mind? Why was he even thinking about all of these hypothetical questions? He was moving to New York for work and Gabbie was never going to leave Lolita’s behind, even if her life depended on it.

He still didn’t like the sense of dread he felt picking

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