Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,27

but Gabriella didn’t expect anything less. The expansive space was open, completely surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows and the steel beams along the ceiling gave it a lofty feel. The hotel restaurant was situated just inside the front doors where boxes of tea and multi-colored teapots where on display. They walked around the restaurant, following the signs pointing them to the registration desk when she caught Logan’s eye. He was smiling at her.

“Happy to be here?” he asked.

“Of course, it’s beautiful. This is a dream come true. Aren’t you happy, too?”

“Indeed. I’m happy that you’re happy. Are you sure you are okay sharing the same room? Different beds, of course, but close quarters nonetheless.”

“Logan, it’s perfectly fine. We’ve already discussed this, there’s nothing to worry about. We’ve shared rooms before.”

They found the little registration room with two attendants behind the desk, one on the phone, the other beckoned them forward.

“Hello, welcome.” The man’s thick Japanese accent made it difficult to understand his English.

“Hello. Logan Reeves.” He passed the attendant his passport.

“I need hers too, please.” Gabriella reached into her cross-body purse and extracted her passport.

“I will make copies and be back.”

“Great.” Logan looked at Gabriella. “That’s a little unsettling to have copies of our passports out there.”

“Indeed.” She smiled, throwing his word back at him.

The man came back and proceeded with the check-in process while Gabbie stood fidgeting with her purse, her fingernails—anything to calm her nerves. She was excited to be in a new country—especially with Logan. He had always been an easy-going travel companion the handful of times they’d gone on road trips together. This time was no different despite the absolute fool she had made of herself. It was firmly in the past at this point and all she could do was look ahead to the fabulous few days they had together here in Japan.

“What do you mean? I specifically asked for two queens.” Logan’s frustrated voice brought her out of her reverie.

“I am sorry. We do not have another room available.”

Logan let out a sigh and turned to Gabbie. “They have our room, but it’s only a king-sized bed, not a double queen like I reserved.”

Gabbie looked at the attendant who looked genuinely apologetic and immediately felt bad for him. “Look, its no problem, right? Is it okay with you if we have to share a bed? It’s a king, right?” she asked the man.


“It’ll be fine. It’s big enough for two. Big enough that we won’t even know we are in it together. Are you okay with that?”

He raised his eyebrow at her as if to ask, do you remember the recent issue between us? But he stayed silent, turned to the hotel clerk and assured him it was fine. They collected their passports, the keys to their room and a few helpful maps for the city and made their way up the elevator to the eighteenth floor.

“I’m really sorry about the room.”

“Logan, don’t be. It’s not your fault. Besides, it will be fine,” she shrugged. It would be fine. It wasn’t as if Logan had any feelings for her. And she didn’t harbor any sexual feelings for him, either. They were friends. Friends that would act like adults and share a bed.

No big deal.

“Ready?” Logan opened the door to their room and ushered Gabriella in ahead of him.

“It’s beautiful. Oh my gosh, look at the little tea set. I love it. And the views!” She walked over to the window and peered out to the city. There was a lush green park sitting in between various buildings of all heights. One building had a soccer field on top, complete with AstroTurf and goal posts. In the opposite direction she could make out the numerous tracks and large building which obviously was the train station. It was all so magical.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Logan’s quiet voice near her ear made her still. She could feel the heat from his body warming her back. If she backed up, just one step, she would be plastered into the length of him. She could barely see their reflection in the glass, could make out Logan’s features and see that his eyes were cast down, watching her.

She knew he was talking about Tokyo—at least that’s what she told herself—even though he was watching her, but his words and his gaze on her made her shiver anyway. It was a surreal moment—like she was window shopping—looking through the window to see what the couple would do next. He stood stoic behind

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