Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,14

to women taking, taking, taking, and being sure of what they wanted, like Lucy. But not Gabriella. Ballsy as she was sucker punching him with that kiss, once their lips met, she had become unsure, hesitant and he had happily taken control. Her tongue hadn't been demanding. It had been desperate with need and had pulled him into a whole other realm. It took a good deal of strength to push her away. Ironically, she had no idea how much that kiss had tortured him and was continuing to drive him insane.

The way her body had molded into his when she’d attacked him. The feel of her tits pressed against his shirt, and how his fingers immediately found her sweet skin underneath the hem of her shirt, had him readjusting his crotch as he sat uncomfortably on the plane.

He needed to start thinking about his future.

Once the plane landed, he managed to get to the ground transportation level where he made a black car request on his iPhone. His driver eventually made it to Manhattan amid the hustle and bustle of traffic, and then once they got into the city, was able to get past the people crossing the street despite the no walking sign. He pulled up to the address in a fair amount of time. Not having to pay the driver, Logan stepped out, got his luggage and thanked the man.

Logan smirked at the sign plastered to the building in all caps along the front.


That was it. Nothing less, nothing more. No ‘& Associates’ or ‘Attorney at Law’ or even ‘Real Estate Firm.’ Jack didn't need any of that, affluent enough that you either knew about him from business associates who needed his services on a daily basis, or you didn't. No need for advertisement because his clients just repeatedly rolled in.

With his luggage in hand, Logan stepped up on to the sidewalk and tilted his head back, enjoying the expansive upward view of the building itself. He was always impressed with the high-rise and how its black glass windows reflected most of the buildings across the street. He took a deep breath and made his way into REEVES.

“May I help you?” A stellar blonde with bright red lipstick greeted him.

“Hi. I'm here to see Jack. He told me he’d be waiting.”

“Your name, sir?”

“Logan Reeves.”

She glanced away from her computer monitor and up into his eyes, giving him an undeniable look of attraction. “I would’ve guessed that. I'm Suzanna. You look exactly like Mr. Reeves.”

Logan laughed. “I suppose that's a compliment…unless he’s starting to look his age.”

Suzanna smiled. “No, sir. He is not. You can go up now. I trust you know where you’re going?”

“I do. Thank you.”

“Anytime. If you need anything else, let me know.” He bet if he needed anything else, she would be happy to give it to him if the look in her eyes were any indication.

“Oh, I will.” He flashed her his most charming smile before making his way to the security guard. He showed the man his ID card and made his way up to see his father.

It always surprised Logan how Jack never seemed to age. Year after year and Jack never changed. Never looked a day over fifty.

“Son, good to see you,” Jack bellowed, embracing Logan into a bear hug.

“You too, Pops. What's this? A grey hair?” Logan teased.

Jack ducked from Logan’s outstretched arm. “I wouldn't be surprised. They say once you’re my age and you get one it’ll take over your entire head like a bunch of at a picnic table. How was the flight?”

“Good. Tried sleeping, but you know how it is.”

“Can't stand commercial flights anymore. Hiroshi Miyamoto will be here shortly. Let's go in my office and talk before he arrives.”

Chapter Nine

Gabriella still had a splitting headache and the day wasn't even half over. She had seriously pondered the idea of putting a ‘No Children Under 8’ sign on the outside of Lolita to thwart off any potential screaming and rambunctious kids that came in with their mothers. She hadn't drunk in quite a long time; she had forgotten what it felt like to be blessed with a hangover. She’d awakened in Logan’s bed to two pain-relievers and orange juice and a hand-written note from him. Cinderella – You owe me big time and I will collect. Try to lay off the wine coolers while I'm gone and be a good girl. When I come back, we need to talk. ~Logan.

Well that was just fine. She hadn't

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