Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,10

that is why this works for us, right? I mean, I can be just as busy as he can, and this has worked for us in the past so I don’t understand why I am so mad I could spit!”

She took the drink Logan proffered to her, opened it and took a long swallow. Logan smiled as he watched her guzzle the wimpy beverage. His gaze swept over the dusting of freckles along the bridge of her nose. He appreciated her slender throat as she swallowed the concoction, watching her, waiting patiently for her next line of complaints.

“Well, I just want to see him! I want to feel…something, Logan.”

Oh boy. He’d like to give her something to feel. Something that would have her begging for more. He shook his head, trying to steer his mind straight. “Look, maybe what has worked for you guys in the past isn’t working anymore. Maybe you need a little bit more than the once-a-month attention thing that was working for you.”

Gabriella swigged the last of her drink and grabbed another. “I don’t see how that could change. I’m still the same girl with the same work ethic and work commitment. It’s not like I have time for anything, let alone a relationship. I’m just frustrated with myself for feeling this way.”

“Gabriella, people change, you know? Their thoughts change, their feelings…maybe you are wanting something different even though it isn’t making much sense right now.” He would know. He was feeling exactly that way.

“I don’t know. It’s just…it’s been so long since I’ve even desired…well, anything, really.” She took another swig of her wine cooler and laid back onto his couch, closing her eyes. “What is wrong with me?”

Logan was slightly confused. On one hand, she made it sound like she didn’t want sex, but then on the other hand, it was like she did. Should he bring that up? Who was he to question her thought process? The part of him that wanted Gabbie in his bed pushed him to ask his next question. “What do you want Gabbie? Sex or no sex? You’re confusing me.” Also, what did she mean it had been so long since she had even desired sex? He was under the impression she was trying to get the deed done with Brody.

She blew out a breath, took another swig, effectively emptying it and opened another. “I want sex.”

I want sex, too. Just not with Lucy like he’d been lately. No, this time he was fully aware he wanted to do the dirty deed with his good friend. Friend being the operative word here.

“I’m just scared. Maybe that’s why Cody is changing his mind about me. Guys can tell when women aren’t sure about giving it up, can’t they? It’s like they’ve got some magical radar that tells them when women are ready for sex.”

Logan sat next to her. “You make it sound more technical than it is actually. We have a penis, nothing more. Can I ask though, what are you so scared about?”

She closed her eyes. She hesitated before answering. “Normal things, you know. This is such a stupid conversation to be having. Forget it. Are you all packed? What time does your plane leave?”

“Yes, I’m all packed. I leave pretty early.”

“I should go then.” She went to stand.

He grabbed her arm. “Sit down and relax. You just got here and it’s only eight o’clock. What, do you think I’m so old, I need to go to bed this early?”

She laughed. “No. I just hate feeling sorry for myself. So, what’s the plan once you get to the city?”

“Well, I fly into La Guardia, and am expected at my dad’s office at three o’clock. Where he is expecting one of his more prominent clients at three thirty to introduce us and give me a taste of what’s on his mind.”

“Wow, no rest for the wicked, right?”

“That’s Jack for you. I’m not sure he’ll ever retire when he’s such a workaholic.”

“Who is the guy you’re meeting?”

“Hiroshi Miyamoto. His primary residence is Japan, but he owns numerous commercial properties here in the U.S.”

“Sounds like a fancy guy. Does he know about the potential retirement and Jack wanting you to take over?”

Logan sighed. “Yeah. According to my dad, Hiroshi is on board. Can’t wait to have a young attorney at his beck and call.”

“I bet. But you don’t even know if that’s what you want to do, right? Unless there’s something you aren’t telling me…”

“No. Nothing new. Still unsure. Am I

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