The Pirate's Lady - By Julia Knight Page 0,44

thoroughly inspected all their customers before starting their patter. The way the guards had hands on hilts of swords or butts of pistols, and the bodyguards in the pen milled around, snarling like caged cats.

Mostly what Van Gast was looking for was some hint of Josie. A clue as to whether she’d shown up and been caught, or got away or hadn’t been there at all. He wasn’t sure what that clue would be. Maybe one of her crew, or her strolling through the crowds like nothing had happened. Something.

And there it was—the clue.

A big blond man stood outside the counting house, the main trading area for the richer merchants. He stood head and shoulders above almost everyone else in the square, sweating in mail and a bright tunic, sky-blue with a white stag. A woman in a blue dress to match stood at his side, demure and prim. The big man was a Gan. Not many of them sailed these waters, and Van Gast knew this one. Skrymir.

The boy was there too, Van Gast’s son, creeping up behind Skrymir. Dark and nimble, Ansen was like a miniature Van Gast. Stole like his father too. Ansen reached up, almost as far as he could manage, and cut Skrymir’s purse with a quick flick of a knife. Van Gast’s knife, the one his little thieving git of a son had once stolen from him.

Ansen ran, the purse jingling in his hand, the wild grin growing wilder. Skrymir bellowed “Stop, thief!” and made after him. What were they doing? Some sort of distraction, the essence of any good twist. Which meant somewhere close by was—

The woman turned, coolly watching Skrymir and the reaction of the guards. No braids now, her white-blond hair dyed darker and done in a prim little bun at the nape of her neck, wrapped in a scarf. No snug breeches or silk shirt, no sword or pistol but a dress. Fighting, biting Josie, in a dress. The way she stood gave her away, a subtle grace, the smooth muscles along her bare arms.

Van Gast slid down from the roof, careful and as quiet as his bells could be. He watched her closely as he slid between hawkers and beggars. A guard strolled alongside her, all dressed up in his best. The gold buttons meant he was a captain, maybe higher.

Van Gast’s breath was tight in his throat, sweat slick and cold on his back despite the heat. Maybe a captain of the guards who not long before had been trying to kill him. Guards who’d known he’d be there.

No, no don’t start thinking like that. That’s how you lost her in the first place.

He followed them for a time, nice and unobtrusive. Josie chatted amiably enough with the guard, but her eyes were sharp. Van Gast could tell the way she was watching the other guards, seeing which followed Skrymir, which kept to their posts outside the counting house. Checking how the wind blew before she set her sail.

Her sharp gaze caught Van Gast, too, and he tried a grin. He got nothing in return but a blank stare and a coolly raised eyebrow. What was she up to? He slipped through the crowds, keeping someone always between him and the guard. Had she meant to meet him, or not? Had she set the guards on him? No, no, he had to trust her.

Eventually Skrymir returned, minus Ansen but with his purse and a big scowl. Even he looked rather cozy with the guard. One of the guards who’d chased Ansen with Skrymir came up, hand on pistol.

“Captain,” Josie said, her gaze bland on Van Gast as though she’d never seen him before. Just a hint of a curving lip, as though something amused her. “I think that man’s following me.”

The guard’s pistol came up, cocked and ready.

Oh shit.

Van Gast ran, bells ringing louder than his blood rattling in his veins. Rob, kill or delight. Damn the woman. He’d rather have had delight.

Then he was laughing into the night as he vaulted a stall and led the guards another chase.

Chapter Nine

Rillen watched as his new friend poured more tea. Delicate movements, but with something suppressed, some energy he couldn’t quite name. Until she looked up at him again. Hate, that was her energy. I like you more and more, lady.

Her eyes locked on his, and he could almost feel the loathing that radiated from her. “I can do better than that. I told you, I know his weakness.”

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