Piper (Queen's Birds of Prey #4) - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,35

that out there. Also, I will do what she wants. If that means staying in the tiny house myself and my mom have lived in together, then that’s good too. However, if my opinion matters, I think that even without me, Piper could make this work on a great many levels that I’m betting not even you have thought of.”

Piper looked up at him, then at Jude and Duncan. Duncan had been doing all the talking, and Jude just sat there. Grant thought that was totally out of character for her but waited. When she had something to say, Grant was sure it would not only be profound but also just what Piper needed to hear to make her know she could do this for them.

“There are nine children out in those houses. I’ve not spoken to them, nor the adults. But I can tell you this. Their living conditions are horrific. You’ll do this for me, won’t you, Piper? I need to know those kids are safe from harm. I don’t know how they were able to survive this long with how they’re living. But they need you to get up off your ass and help them.” Jude hugged Piper and him together. “They need a strong hand and a gentle word. I think we both know you can do both. And if not, let Grant here be the gentle word.”

They were all laughing when they sat down to lunch. After this, they were going to go back out to the site and see about what else was brought up. Whatever it was, Grant was going to ask Duncan if he could buy the ruby ring he’d found when he’d been diving for them.

He loved rubies. However, this one had been in a nice box and hadn’t been harmed at all from being in the deep for so long. When he’d opened the box, pulling out the ring, he gasped with the beauty. Holding it up to the sunlight, the colors reflected on the boat decking were so like Piper’s hair that he could only see this ring on her finger. Even Mercy, who had been out on the boat with him at the time, commented on how much it was like her hair.

“I heard someone say to her once that it looked as if she’d dipped her hair into a setting sun to make it look as it does. I think that is the very reason everyone believes her when she tells them she’s a phoenix. There is no doubting she has the colors all right.” Grant asked her if she liked rubies. “Yes. She used to make jewelry at one time, a long time ago. She would find rubies, believe it or not, and use them in all sorts of things like that. Then one day, she decided she wanted to use them in a phoenix. If you get to see the one she made in her studio, look at her. The bird is covered in gems of all sorts and colors. To me, it’s one of the most beautiful pieces she’d ever created.”

“It’s still wrapped up in the barn behind the castle.”

At that time, they were both looking for a place to live. Now that they’d be moving to the other castle, he wondered what she’d do with it. Hopefully, she’d display it where everyone that came to see them would see that his mate was a very talented artist.

By the time they were ready to see what other treasures they could find, the crew that was doing most of the lifting was ready to go back out as well. The things they’d discovered were being stored away in the lower levels of the castle. He couldn’t wait to get it all finished so they could have fun opening the sacks and other containers that had been pulled up.

“Before I forget, there is a trunk for you.” He asked Piper what sort of trunk. “I’m not sure what might be in yours, but mine had all sorts of things that sparked memories from when I lived around here. I guess we can assume since she knew you were going to be my mate, that there are things there for you to have memories of as well. Also, in my trunk, there were crowns. Until now, I had no idea why she’d leave them for me. I’m assuming they’re from the castle we’re going to.”

“Is this something you really want to do, Piper? I know we’ve sort

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