Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,81

my heart as a sweet and tender moment, and part of our good-bye.

Clint kept his eyes closed as I slid back to my seat. I smiled once more at his face, and then got out of the car.

Chapter 23


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My father’s men drove me to a building downtown. It wasn’t much to look at from the outside, but I knew the inside was fitted with very modern office fittings. It was one of many buildings my father owned where he conducted meetings and other kinds of business.

“What’s this all about guys?” I said to Dino and Robert, who were sitting silently in the front of the car. My father’s men were always polite and pleasant with me, but today they seemed moody and focused. Something was going on. It felt like it was one of two things. A big deal being made or a big deal gone wrong. I had seen the signs of both those situations too many times to count, but today, I couldn’t pick which one it was, and I needed to be told something about it.

Robert spoke up from the driver’s seat. “Your Dad will explain when he sees you. You know we are not allowed to say anything.”

I sighed. Of course I knew that, which is why I never asked my father’s men anything to begin with, but today it seemed all too coincidental that I had been requested to be in my father’s presence after just learning about the contract that Clint had put on Samuel. Fear suddenly crept up inside me. The contract and my Dad needing to see me. Was I about to get some terrible news? Was I about to find out that Devon Lockley completed his job? My heart rate began to skyrocket as we pulled up outside my father’s building.

“You’ve been here before haven’t you Lenorah?” Dino asked, staring blankly at the building, waiting for me to respond.

“Once,” I said, but it had been a number of years ago, and it was on one of the occasions that I had to stay here for protection when my father was faced with some kind of heated business deal. The layout of the inside still felt familiar in my head. I was sure I could still find my way around if nothing had been changed since I was here last.

“Do you know where his office is?” Robert asked hopefully. I don’t think he wanted to waste time escorting me into the building. I was pretty sure my Dad’s office was situated on the second level, just outside the elevator doors.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure I can find my way.” I climbed out of the car and quickly raced up to the building’s stairs at the front entrance. The front door was unlocked which didn’t surprise me. People in the neighborhood were well aware who owned and operated from the building, so you’d have to either have no idea, or be really stupid to venture in without permission.

As I entered, I saw a long stretch of hallway and numerous office doors. I also saw the elevator at the end of the hall which I walked to and took up to the second level. I had buttoned up Josh’s shirt and tucked it into my jeans, trying my best not to look like I had fled an apartment and almost been in a car accident. My Dad had a knack of knowing when I was doing things I shouldn’t be. He really didn’t need to have me followed, because he could read me like a book.

My father’s office was just off to the right as I stepped out of the elevator, exactly how I remembered, and his door had been left open slightly as I approached. “Dad,” I said, knocking gently on the door before going in. I heard the shuffling of papers and another door close before my Dad opened up the door fully to greet me. He had a huge Italian grin plastered on his face, and I had to contain my surprise. It was unusual to see his face so expressive with any other emotion besides anger or hardness. Something big had happened, and even with his grin, I couldn’t tell if it was good news for me or not. Our ideas of right and wrong were at opposite ends of the spectrum most of the time.

“Lenorah, my beautiful girl. I am very happy to see you.” I couldn’t help but smile back at him, hoping this was a good

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