Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,8

was going to be forced to help this along.

“Yeah, your name too. Sounds like, sounds like...oh my God! Please tell me you are not the son of Michael Voltaggio!”

“I am.” He said it flatly, like he couldn’t dress it up.

“I’m Lenorah Rossi.” My hands were pointing to my chest.

Samuel stared blankly at me. Oh please! And the Academy Award goes to...

“Daughter of Guiseppe Rossi.” I assisted him with more information in the hope he would drop the pretence. His eyes looked misty as the details clouding his thoughts disappeared, and suddenly he flinched, like a light bulb went off in his head. He was really good at this.

“Oh sweet Jesus. Really?” He looked shocked, like this was all new to him, and perhaps on some level it was, but I brushed that thought away, mortal enemies and all.

“We should probably stop talking now. We wouldn’t want a Shakespearean tragedy on our hands now would we?” I don’t know why I said that. Like the idea could ever be possible anyway. I laughed at the impossible thought. Samuel and me, together, our families at each other’s throats. That would be a crazy situation indeed! The rebel in me however, was slowly rubbing her hands together at the concept of more. Not good.

“Two households, both alike in dignity,” Samuel quoted. “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.”

Wow, not just a pretty face. My knees twitched even more at his ability to recite Shakespeare. Another quality I mentally stored in my head.

“That’s a bit dramatic, but yes, you get the point. Nicely quoted from Romeo and Juliet I might add, but now that we are both aware, perhaps this coincidence should just be that, a coincidence and we should part ways. No point continuing this... this...”

Samuel’s smile turned into a frown, a sad clown-type of frown and I felt the nag of something else, regret. OK, yes, Samuel had been somewhat like a gentleman, and his looks did kind of make me feel something I hadn’t felt in a very long time, but this was crazy. I couldn’t see this guy again. It would kill my father, and most likely start an unnecessary war. I couldn’t be selfish and I couldn’t hurt my Dad like that, even though most of my happiness had to be pushed aside to accommodate my Dad’s lifestyle. That reminder made the deep-seeded resentment I had for my Dad, come forth.

Maybe I shouldn’t just disregard this. He doesn’t appear all that bad.

But, I could never trust the guy. Right?

Samuel noticed my internal debate, like I was struggling with the disconnection too and he saw it as a sign to try and change my mind.

“Lenorah, Len. Can I call you Len? I like you. I know that probably sounds incredible hearing that from someone you just met, and who your family hates, but I do. I really do. I think you can tell. I would really like to see you again soon. Can we do that?”

I wanted to believe it, but I couldn’t decide what felt right. After a minute of contemplating various kinds of outcomes, I decided I had put my needs on hold for far too long and that I deserved something for it, a new friend maybe. I did want to see him again. Just once more. I mean one more cannoli date wasn’t going to mean anything. Maybe we could become really good friends and stop this ridiculous feud between our families. I could turn the negative into a positive. There could be lots of good reasons to see him again.

Yes, I had convinced myself that on some level, it was all going to be alright and seeing Samuel at least once more, was not wrong.

“O...K. Yes. We can chat again. I think it will be fine to do that.” He grinned now, a gorgeous teeth-showing grin that made me smile too. Thinking about seeing him again did make me feel nervous, but the excited kind of nervous that aroused butterflies in my stomach. This was all very weird and new. My smile fell as I looked at Samuel. I couldn’t begin this way. He needed to know to my deal breakers.

“Samuel, if we do hang out again, I’ll need you to make me a promise, and it’s kind of non-negotiable.”

“Anything,” he stated.

That was quick.

“If we say, become friends...” I began.

“Yesssss...” He smiled even more now that I was voicing that possibility. I made sure that

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