Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,73

the fear of taking that step was gone, and we were here in the moment that was about to change everything.

My hands went to Josh’s waist, lifting his shirt above his head. We paused our kiss, and opened our eyes to look at each other again. We both stood and took a step back. Josh looked at me again for any hesitation, but I only moved towards him and his pants, which I eagerly undid. Josh, finally realizing that I wasn’t about to retreat, found the confidence to take me. His hands on my back, the other lost in my tangled hair, I could hear him moan as I pulled down his boxers and they fell to his feet. Josh was naked now, his hard body and excitement pressed up against me. I paused again from our kiss and looked down. I wanted to see Josh the same way he was seeing me right now; naked, vulnerable but ready for one another. I wanted us to be open and bare in every sense. I never wanted to hide from Josh again.

I had no words when I saw Josh naked for the first time. I had imagined it, but seeing him so ready for me was mind-blowing. I had known this guy since I was thirteen and his body had been a mystery to me for a decade.

Not anymore.

And his body, including the part of him I ached for most, was everything I hoped it would be. I breathed hard as I looked at Josh. He had the same hungry yet love-filled expression. “You are spectacular Norah. Transcendent in beauty.”


This time Josh grasped me with more intensity. He picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist and he carried me back into the apartment and to the sofa in the lounge. As he lay me on the sofa, my arms went above my head, and Josh’s lips went from my mouth to my neck, and to my breasts. He held them gently while teasing me by sucking and licking my nipples.

“Ohhhh!” I moaned. I reached for Josh so I could please him at the same time. When my hands found him, he was already incredibly hard, so I gently let my fingers stroke him, running them up and down so every touch was drawn out and sensitive. Josh’s eyes flew open and looked at me as he continued to explore, suck and fondle my breasts.

“I will never get enough of this. You feel every bit as perfect as I imagined, and your touch...Norah...what it does to me...”

My body could barely take another minute without being fully connected to Josh. Josh’s head then started travelling from my breasts to my stomach. He planted kisses near my belly button, and my hips instinctively bucked, wanting his mouth to go even lower.

His mouth hovered around my opening, kissing all around it. I couldn’t help but breathe out, “Oh my God Josh, you are not even in me yet, and I feel like I’m about to lose it.”

Josh’s tongued flicked into at me, and I almost completely fell over the edge. But I was long gone. There was no going back to friendship, old feelings, ex-boyfriends. It had all led to this. I pushed him off me, and Josh stared at me, breathing hard. I also sensed he was trying really hard to maintain control in drawing out this moment for as long as possible. I lifted Josh’s chin, and spoke into his eyes. “Josh, we have the rest of our lives to do it slowly and sweetly a million times over. Let’s do what we both want to do, and just lose control in the moment. There are going to be many more moments, I assure you.”

Josh looked like his breathing actually stopped as I conveyed this wasn’t a one-off type of thing. No, this was the start of millions and millions of moments for me and Josh.

“I love you Norah.”

“I love you too Joshua. Now take me. Hard.”

Josh quickly pulled my body towards him and we both toppled onto the floor and onto the big white fluffy rug in the centre of Josh’s lounge room. His hands were a bit rougher now, but so were mine. We wanted it so badly you could taste the sexual tension built up in the very air around us. Our bodies twisted and rolled all over the rug, as we got closer and closer to being ready to become one. Finally, I was on my back

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