Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,68

as the adrenaline from the shooting finally kicked in. Before I finished, I pulled out my cell phone and fired at least three shots into the small metal object, smashing it to pieces. “No calls from anyone and no traces!” I yelled at the pulverized metal. I had decided that my relationship with cell phones would never work out. We just didn’t see eye to eye, and they did nothing but complicate and make matters worse.

After the final bullet was in the ground next to fragments that were once my cell, I stood staring in silence, waiting for the echoes of the bullet shots in my head to stop. I felt Josh take hold of my hand, pulling me gently towards him. “C’mon Norah, let’s go home.”

Chapter 19

Lick, Sip, Suck

~ ~ ~

I cradled the bottle of tequila in my hand as I sat on the floor, swaying in time to the music. The room was moving with me. It was as if I was on a sailing ship, and the floor was the ocean. Even sitting on the ground, I was still getting that back and forth, up and down, seasickness effect. I knew that I had passed that moment when it was sensible to stop, but I needed to numb the pain of my lost relationship, so I just kept going.

“Pick some music Josh,” I screeched, pouring another shot into my little shot glass I was holding unsteadily. I was sitting on the on the floor leaning up against his sofa, in the middle of Josh’s lounge room.

“Blink 182 good enough?” he asked me as he stood scanning the music on his iPod, on a shelf on the far wall.

“Yep, you choose the song.” I took another shot of tequila and slammed down my glass.

“How about, What’s my age again?” Josh eyed me for approval.

“I’m twenty-three, bitch!” I yelled back, and giggled as I held the bottle even closer to my chest.

“Alright Norah, give me that bottle. Enough is enough. You’ve had your fun.” Josh sounded so serious as he tried to take the bottle from my claw-like grip. He failed to free it from my hands, and I laughed at his failure.

“But Josh, it’s my birthday,” I said, pushing out my lips into an exaggerated pout.

“It was your birthday yesterday Nor,” Josh pointed out in my inebriated state. He tried to paw again at the tequila bottle and I continued to push his hand away.

“Yes...ter...day Joshua,” I stammered, “Does. Not. Count.” I glared at him for understanding. Any reference to yesterday did not exist in my mind right now. It was a closed-off memory for the evening. It would be in complete blackout until I was ready to shine some light on it.

“OK, OK. Today is your birthday.” Josh grinned, knowing how much his acceptance would make me happy. I don’t think he wanted to see me get any more depressed so he tried keep me as pleased as he could in my stupor.

“Yay!” I said. “Twenty-three and single. The world is my oppster!”

“Don’t you mean oyster?” Josh corrected.

“Quiet young ‘un.” I pointed my finger at Josh, scolding him like a naughty boy.

Josh tried again to take the bottle away from me, but I rolled away from his attempt. Josh looked annoyed by what I said. “I’m only younger by a month. That doesn’t count Nor.”

I got onto my knees to look at Josh, who looked down at me as I bit my lip. “Oh, it totally counts Joshua, and as your elder, I demand you play a drinking game with me.”

His eyes expanded, almost considering saying yes, but then I saw sensibility kick some weird thought out of his head. “I don’t know Nor. I think you need to go to bed. Sleep this off. You’re not thinking straight right now.”

I got up off my knees, and stood up, rather awkwardly and walked up really close to Josh, invading his personal space. “Quiet party pooper.” I poked at his chest. “Look Josh, you play one game with me and I will go to sleep. Sprout’s promise.” My hand was over my heart as I tried to convince Josh I was being honest.

“I think you mean Scout’s Promise?” Josh corrected again, as he assisted my swaying body.

“Don’t make me slap you! Now, lie down on the couch and take off your shirt.”

Josh looked at me confused. I saw his hesitation once again so I moaned loudly as I led him onto the couch with my hands. “Look Josh,

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