Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,47

with a pained expression as he realized what he just said.

I started to laugh because my hand was still in his pants.

“What’s so funny?” he asked. He looked like a wounded animal now, his face forlorn and disappointed.

“You just told me you love me,” I pointed out.

“Yes,” he said, not understanding the humor in the situation.

“While I have my hand down your pants.” I pointed downwards, and both our heads looked down to where I was still holding him tightly.

We lifted our heads and Samuel then laughed too. “Oh, I just fucked that up didn’t I?”

I shook my head. “No, you didn’t. It just surprised me.” I took my hand from his pants, very slowly and rested it on his waist.

“OK,” I said, and swallowed.

“OK, what?” He looked confused again.

“OK, now say it.” I smiled sweetly at Samuel who returned the same look. He understood what I meant. Now it was just us in the moonlight, holding each other, and staring into each other’s eyes. This was our moment.

Samuel’s chest heaved as he drew in the courage he needed to say those words again. “Lenorah Rossi, I love you.”

I half laughed and excitedly said back to him, “Samuel Voltaggio, I love you too.”

Not a second of hesitation.

We pulled into a deep embrace and held each other, knowing we had just crossed the line into something very complicated and dangerous. Our declaration now changed everything. We had just turned a corner down the road to something very scary and unknown because we had fallen in love. We both knew of the looming consequences, but we had just decided it was worth the risk. I whimpered up against his shirt as I buried my head on his chest near his heart.

Samuel pulled me away so he could look at me. “Don’t be sad Len. This is one of the best moments of my life.”

I nodded and met his gaze. “Me too Samuel, and that’s the sad thing. What the hell are we going to do?”

Samuel pulled me up against his chest again. “We are going to fight to stay together, that’s what we will do.”

Chapter 13


~ ~ ~

Thank goodness for Tess staying at the apartment. Things between Clint and I were icy cold when we returned home the previous night from the Garden Gala with Tess in tow. Clint left for work very early the following morning to catch up on a few things even though it was still the weekend. I lay in bed pretending to sleep thinking he would be very angry and distant with me, but I felt his lips brush against my forehead as he made his way out the door.

I arose a couple of hours later to find Tess already seated in our kitchen, sipping on a espresso. I moved my long black hair that was hiding my face behind my ears, and pulled up a stool next to her. I then, very purposely and dramatically, let my head flop onto the bench in between my two arms, moaning loudly as I did.

Tess laughed at me. “Soooooooooo,” she drew out the sound, as I lifted my head, knowing she was about to make some sarcastic comment. “Seems some things haven’t changed. I take it that was your ex-fiancé stirring the pot last night?”

I moaned again as I straightened my back. “Seriously what is wrong with me Tess? I just want to be normal, and have a normal life in a normal relationship. You know, nine to five work, movies, dinners, holidays at the parents’ house. You know all that regular stuff. And instead I’ve got a mafia ex-fiancé trying to come between me and my secret society affiliated boyfriend who spends his nights at a fucking burlesque bar, being hit on by whores in a place that drugs its patrons.”

Tess convulsed forward, spitting out what espresso she had left in her mouth. “Whoa! Back up. I didn’t understand anything past burlesque bar, whores and drugs, although that does sound like a fun combination!”

“Tessssssssss!” I hissed, not pleased.

She tilted her head and shrugged. “What can I say? I get up to crazy things in Europe. But seriously, you lost me after boyfriend.”

I sighed heavily and then rested my head on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’ve got lots to fill you in about.”

Tess raised her eyebrows as she took another sip of her espresso. “Sounds like I turned up at the right time then.”

I did feel relief having Tess here with me. Since we met, our friendship had continued

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