Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,32

it. I need to inhale that sunshine. I need light for my darkness.” I leapt forward to him so I could suck the sunshine that was coming out of his mouth. It was warm and made me feel like going to the beach. Hmmm, sunrise and sunset. Soft smooth sensual sunshine.

Something lifted me higher from the cloud I was on and away from the sunshine I was trying to consume. I turned and saw sparkly green eyes. Flashes of recognition for the handsome face flooded my stomach.

“Josh, Joshua, Joshy! You are in my dream too! This is super happy awesome yay! Are you going to help me find the white rabbit?” Josh was trying to speak now but all I could see was pinky candy coming from his mouth. I reached out to try and catch the candy, but it kept slipping through my fingers. I needed to try and catch it a different way. “Hmmm, candy. The sweet sugary goodness.” I reached for Josh and put my mouth on his mouth, trying to lick and taste the candy from his lips. As my tongue explored his mouth, I became surrounded by white fluffy clouds. “Josh, you taste like wishes and stars. And candy. Oh candy.” It felt so good and I never wanted it to stop. The pink candy was then ripped from my mouth and I lay alone on my cloud, staring up at Samuel and Josh, who were yelling at each other through sunshine and candy.

That is an interesting sight. Now where is that white rabbit?

As I scanned the clouds, rainbow-colored fireflies now appeared before me. I quickly lifted myself so I could try and chase them. The sudden rush seemed to overwhelm my senses, and made me want to go sleep. “OK sunshine and candy, I’m going to bed now and so I’m taking the pony home.”

I fell into a fit of giggles. “Aren’t ponies the cutest things ever? Why does everything come back to ponies? Huh? Why? OK, I’m taking the pony, finding the white rabbit and going home to go to sleep.”


Chapter 9

After the Fog

~ ~ ~

“She’s waking up,” a voice was yelling as I cracked my eyes open. My body ached and my throat was dry. I felt weak and dehydrated, but not sick in the stomach. As I opened my eyes I saw two heads. Am I seeing double? As my vision connected to my brain, I realized it wasn’t double vision, it was both Josh and Clint on their knees, staring at me as I lay on a couch.

“How long was I out?” I asked, as I tried to pull myself up so I could sit upright. Two sets of hands went around me as I tried to do it.

“I’ve got it guys,” I muttered, annoyed that they were treating me like an invalid. They ignored my resistance and continued to help me sit up.

“About nine hours,” Josh said, as both he and Clint took a seat on either side of me. Clint had not said a word yet and was staring at me with uneasiness. I looked around quickly to get my bearings. I was back in my apartment.

“Someone must have spiked your drink Norah. What do you remember? If you remember anyone or anything, you need to tell us.” Josh sounded concerned and angry. Clint remained silent, just staring at me pensively.

I held my hand to my head as I tried to piece together the fragments of the evening that were floating in and out of my mind, unable to connect. The memories and visions were flashing vividly, but no recognizable faces appeared. Just weird images of rabbits, sunshine, candy and ponies. What the fuck?

“Ah I remember something about a white rabbit, ponies, fireflies, ummm...” I just said the words that were associated with the images as they popped into my head. I had no idea why they were there, and what they could possibly mean.

“Is she still drugged? We should get her to a hospital.” Clint finally spoke up, not making eye contact with me, but sounding worried about my mental state of mind. He tried to move his hand onto my lap, but stopped and pulled it away. It was as if he wasn’t sure if he could touch me.

“Think Norah. What else do you remember about last night?” Josh pressed me. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to clear the fog in my head.

“I’m going to get her a glass of water,” Clint stated, “maybe

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