Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,28

me of something Norah?” Clint’s voice was harsh, mean, different to how it usually was when we fought. It felt like he was truly offended that I was implying he might be doing more than what I saw.

“I don’t know Clint. Should I be accusing you of something? I mean, you conveniently forgot to tell me your meetings were being held at a strip club where you would be surrounded by half-naked women. What else haven’t you told me? Are there more secrets you are keeping?”

There. I had put my suspicions and insecurities out on the table for Clint. He would either tell me there was more, or deflect my questioning to deter me from the truth.

“You know what Norah? I am happy this happened,” he spat out at me, bitterness in his voice.

“You are?” I said, shocked.

“Yes, because I’ve had to watch a guy make a play for you, three times a week for two months.” And like that, we were back in our apartment, arguing about Samuel again, his hurt and fury coming at me in full force.

“So?” I yelled at him.

“So...” he began, “now you know how it feels!”

OUCH! I could hear the built-up resentment in his voice as he said it. Like it had been building more and more with every gift I had received and now, he finally could turn the tables and throw some of that jealous hurt back at me. I couldn’t believe he was even trying to do that.

“Whoa! So that’s how it is! Actions I have no control over, being thrown back in my face!”

This was the first time I had heard Clint be spiteful towards me. It was like I was getting a glimpse of what I knew always existed in him, but hadn’t seen until right now. Clint’s facial expression went from hard, to very soft and scared. I knew he regretted the words he said, even before he tried to apologize, but I was already too angry to see anything but red at that point.

“Norah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Norah, my Norah.” Clint reached for me but I took a step back.

“You know what Clint, fuck you, and your secrets, and the Lappell. I’m outta here.” I saw Josh walking back over to us, but I couldn’t stay a moment longer. He no doubt witnessed our verbal battle and saw how flushed and angry I must have appeared. I was barely hanging onto stopping the darkness from erupting from somewhere deep in my body. I had kept it asleep inside me for months. Waking it, would be like waking a sleeping dragon. I couldn’t let that happen. I had come so far and didn’t want to back-track on my progress.

I bolted for the elevator. I had to get away from Clint as fast as I could. I was so hurt by what he said to me, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to cry or scream because of it. Whatever my impending reaction, there was no way I could be near Clint right now and around all these naked women.

I zoned in on the elevator as I darted between the people in the crowd. It was already closing but I was confident I could just make it before it closed completely. I tried to lose Clint as I maneuvered myself between all the lingerie that was blinding my vision. I managed to slide between the closing elevator doors just before Clint had enough time to reach them. His eyes were desperate as he looked at mine when the doors finally shut.

I stumbled backwards into Clarence, who helped steady me and stop me from falling over. “Hey Lenorah. Leaving so soon?” As I stood tall, making sure my feet were in place, I noticed that we weren’t the only occupants in the elevator. Another gentleman, who looked to be in his fifties, was standing in the corner in a gray suit. He had silver hair and a silver beard, but his face was still kind of youthful. He was obviously a member of the Lappell, having just come from the second level. His eyes darted to look at me, but only for a second before he turned them back up to face the elevator doors. I stared at him for longer than I probably should have.

“Are you heading home Lenorah? Do you want me to take you to the ground level and show you out back? We have a back entrance where I can

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