Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,16

being inside me.

“Tell me you’ll never leave me. Tell me that you are mine,” he finally got out, after I retreated from my attack on his mouth.

“Yes Clint, I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours!’ The wood against my back hurt in the last instance, I screamed, “I’m yours!”

We both groaned then, both finding our climax at the same time. My head rested, tilting upwards and back against the door, and Clint’s head was tilted forward, resting on my shoulder. His whole body shook, his chest heaving back and forth as he tried to slow his heart rate.

“Jesus Christ Norah. You are going to kill me.”

My head flopped forward so my chin fell lightly on top of Clint’s head. “But what a way to go.”

Clint shifted his head and moved it down so he could look at me seriously. “Your call scared me. Don’t do that again.” His arms wrapped around me tighter.

“Clint, I’m really sorry.” My apology was for more than just the call, but I couldn’t tell him that. I hugged him, feeling even more guilt for the way I acted with Josh this morning. I was a terrible girlfriend.

“You are forgiven, but I really have to get back to work.” He pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes as I relished in his soft and tender kiss.

Suddenly the door vibrated with knocking. Our bodies tensed with the realization that someone had been outside the door for an unknown period of time, listening to my moans, Clint’s grunts and the beating the wooden door had taken.

“Everything OK in there?” the familiar voice asked from the other side.

No. Fucking. Way!

“Shit it’s Josh,” Clint whispered, and lowered me on to the ground. We both scrambled to the bedroom. I quickly found some yoga pants and pulled them on. My fingers couldn’t seem to find the ability to unhook the clasps on my corset, so Clint tried to undo it for me, but after a few minutes of useless fumbling, I huffed in frustration and said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just throw my dressing gown over the top.”

Clint’s hands dropped to his side as I pulled out of his grip, and walked over to the ensuite where my gown was hanging.

As I quickly pulled it on, Clint fixed his own appearance, putting on some fresh work attire and making himself look presentable.

“What is he even doing here?” Clint asked, watching me as I tied the gown firmly around my waist.

“I went to see him this morning to talk, but he kind of, ummm, had company, and I left pretty quickly. He probably feels bad that we couldn’t talk, and that is why he’s just shown up like this.”

Clint pulled his tie back and forth adjusting it. “He had company?”

I pulled my disheveled sex-hair back into a bun. “Ah yeah, some blond bimbo. It was all very awkward. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”

We both now looked somewhat decent. I smiled at Clint and went to walk out of the bedroom when he caught me by the elbow.

“What did you want to talk to Josh about at his place, so early in the morning?” Clint always did pick up on the little details. I did show up at Josh’s place at an ungodly hour for a casual chat. Clint automatically assumed it must have been pretty important, and it was, but I couldn’t allow him to suspect anything. Truth be told, I needed to talk to someone and with Tess still in Europe, that limited my options to Josh. He was after all, my best friend - or some version of that.

“I’m busy the rest of the week with a freelance job, and I was out sketching in the park early this morning, and I remembered Josh lived nearby, and I hadn’t seen his apartment. I just thought... Actually, I didn’t think all that much, which was why I got a rather big surprise when I showed up at his doorstep. I won’t be making that mistake again.”

Clint continued to watch me.

“I just wanted to discuss my birthday that’s coming up is all.” I tried to sound nonchalant as I delivered the lie, hoping Clint would not pick up on it.

Clint’s body tensed, his grip on my elbow tightening.


“Oh Josh and I used to do this thing with rooftops and desserts, but I wasn’t sure this year...” I trailed off like it was nothing, hoping Clint would stop asking questions. I went back to adjusting my

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