The Piano Man Project Page 0,79

What’s happened?’ Honey set off at a sprint at the sight of the ambulance with its flashing blue lights pulled up beside today’s protesters, Lucille and Mimi, along with at least six people Honey didn’t recognise. A strange thing had started to happen since Titania’s twin nieces and their provocative t-shirts had been splashed across the local news; people from all over town were coming to help, three, four or five different strangers every day to boost the protest numbers. It was turning into a story that people were following with interest, and the press were more than happy to oblige.

‘Give us some room please,’ the paramedic called out, shouldering his way across the pavement to where Mimi sat on a stool someone had fetched for her from inside the home. Still chained to the railings by one wrist, she huffed and puffed about being the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons.

‘All this fuss over nothing. It’s just a sprained ankle,’ she grumbled.

Honey was torn between relief that it wasn’t something more major and concern for Mimi, because even a sprain could be nasty and Mimi was no spring chicken.

Honey rubbed Mimi’s shoulder affectionately. ‘Let them take a look at it, hopefully it’s fine. What happened?’

Mimi glowered and pursed her lips. ‘Did you know Lucille had been to see Ernie?’

‘Oh,’ Honey said. ‘Well, yes. It wasn’t my place to say anything, Mimi, I’m sorry. She’s told you, then.’

‘Just now. She waits until I’m chained to the fence and then blurts it out, just like that.’

‘Right … and how did that end up with your ankle being sprained?’

Mimi sighed and looked into the distance. ‘I might have lunged for her arm. I’d have reached her too, if it wasn’t for this.’ She rattled the fluffy handcuff viciously.

‘Where’s Lucille now?’ Honey scanned the pavement as the paramedic rotated Mimi’s ankle, making her wince and slap his shoulder.

‘Hiding from me, if she’s got any sense,’ Mimi muttered darkly. ‘We’d agreed not to see him. Why did she do it, Honey?’

Still rubbing Mimi’s shoulder, Honey sighed and tried to choose her words carefully. ‘It wasn’t something she did lightly, Mimi. I don’t think she could help herself.’

Mimi shook her head. ‘She’s got me. She doesn’t need him.’

Honey wanted to hug and shake Mimi all at the same time. ‘There really isn’t any need to make her choose, Mimi. You know Lucille loves you, and nothing will ever change that. Not husbands, or friends,’ Honey glanced at Billy, who’d thrown off his frilly apron and had hunkered down on Mimi’s other side, ‘nor brothers. But he’s so like you, Mimi. It took my breath away.’

A tear rolled down Mimi’s cheek, and the paramedic looked up, concerned.

‘Is that painful?’ he asked, pressing carefully in case he made her cry more. Mimi shook her head and dashed away the tear.

‘Okay, I think you’ve slightly sprained it,’ the paramedic said, placing Mimi’s ankle to the floor. ‘Try to go easy on it over the next couple of days, and remember to elevate it when you’re resting. Use an ice pack if it’s painful, and your usual preferred painkiller if it’s playing up, okay?’ He looked at Mimi with kind eyes. ‘I think it’d be for the best if you unchained yourself and took a couple of days off.’

Honey expected Mimi to refuse, but the older woman just nodded instead and fished a key out of the pocket of her cardigan, looking thoroughly dejected.

‘Let me help you,’ Honey said, unnerved by Mimi’s capitulation. Passing the shop keys to Billy she unfastened Mimi’s cuffs gently, massaging her wrist as she helped her to stand. Over the years, Honey had never needed to acknowledge the age difference in her friendship with Lucille and Mimi. Not so today. Mimi leaned heavily on her arm as they made their way slowly back up the path towards the home, oblivious to the cameras flashing behind them, or to Christopher appearing on the pavement to deliver an oily speech about cancelling the protest on health and safety grounds.

‘Well that’s that, then,’ Mimi said, resigned, so quietly Honey barely heard her. ‘I’ll go to my room please, Honey. I’m tired, and I need to lie down.’

Honey clicked Mimi’s door closed and headed instinctively for the kitchen. Her life suddenly felt as if it was bursting all of its dams; Tash and Nell trying to railroad her into yet more dating disasters, Mimi and Lucille at each other’s throats, the campaign to save the home Copyright 2016 - 2024