The Piano Man Project Page 0,40

a rictus as the crowd brayed in agreement, and he waved his arms as if he were directing a plane in to land.

‘Every care is being taken to approach this matter sensitively, Mr Hebden, as you well know,’ he said, addressing Billy loudly. ‘But these things happen every day, I’m afraid it’s how the modern world works. Now, if I’m not mistaken, it’s time for your medication, so if you’d kindly come inside we can put all of this nonsense behind us.’

‘No fear!’ Mimi called, rattling her fluffy handcuffs. ‘I’m not going anywhere!’

Christopher laughed rudely and shrugged. ‘Hand over the keys to those cuffs, Miriam.’

‘She would, but she’s a little tied up at the moment, old chap,’ Billy shouted, making the crowd laugh and Christopher even more furious. ‘And anyway, she doesn’t have the key.’ He grinned cheekily, thoroughly enjoying himself until Christopher walked down the line towards him.

‘I take it you have the key, Mr Hebden?’ Christopher’s eyes swept down the older man’s outfit and came to rest on the bum-bag slung around Billy’s waist. Honey had followed her boss along the pavement, and when he reached out to unzip the bum-bag she stepped between the two men and found Patrick at her side, obviously equally incensed by the way his boss was treating the residents.

‘Dinnae even think about it, dunderheid,’ Patrick muttered, his thick Scottish accent coming out much more strongly than usual. ‘Touch any of these folk and I’ll smash yer lights oot!’

In the hot exchange of words that followed, Billy leaned forward and whispered in Honey’s ear.

‘Take the key.’

Fumbling behind her back, she unzipped the bum-bag and felt around until her fingers closed around the small key, and then zipped the bag back up as someone started to sing.

Quietly at first, a sweet, clear voice with only the slightest of nervous shakes, the instantly recognisable opening lines of ‘Amazing Grace’ rang out. A hush fell, and a lump rose in Honey’s throat as she turned and saw who the singer was.

Lucille. Laying her hand over her fast-beating heart, Honey listened as Lucille’s voice gathered strength, a beautiful, fragile songbird to still the shouting. Pin drop silence had fallen by the time Lucille began the second verse, and then a baritone voice joined her in the hymn. Old Don. Tears rolled down Honey’s cheeks as she listened to the note-perfect duo, and a quick glance at the crowd through watery lashes confirmed that she was far from the only one moved by the impromptu performance.

Mimi’s eyes shone with pure pride, and the crowd broke into huge, appreciative applause as Lucille and Don reached the end of the song.

Christopher, thoroughly rattled and aware that he’d all but lost the battle, cupped his hands around his mouth like a loudhailer.

‘Enough! Everyone inside. Now!’ He looked around, wild eyed, until he found Honey. ‘Ms Jones. Help me unfasten these people this instant. They’re cold, delirious and they all need a nap.’

Honey stared at him. How could this man be in charge of a home for the elderly, when he had no respect for them? Backing away, she shook her head slowly.

‘No,’ she said, walking back along the line. ‘I won’t help you, Christopher.’ She reached Lucille and gave her shoulder an encouraging little squeeze as she passed, whispering, ‘Well done.’

Honey carried on along the line until she was close enough to Mimi to kiss her papery cheek and whisper to her that she had the key to the handcuffs in her jeans pocket. Then, shaking inside, she stepped up onto the stone that Christopher had recently vacated.

‘I won’t help you dismiss the concerns of the residents of this home, or reduce the efforts of those brave, wonderful people to nothing. Do you think they’re out here just to wind you up? What do you see when you look at them, Christopher? A bunch of old people who you can dismiss and boss around like school kids?’ Honey glared at him.

‘Billy doesn’t have the keys to Mimi’s handcuffs. I do.’ She dug in her pocket and produced the tiny key, holding it up so it glinted in the sunshine.

Christopher saw red and swiped for it, and without thinking, Honey shoved it in the only place she could think of where Christopher couldn’t get it – her mouth. His eyes bulged as she swallowed it with a painful gulp. The crowd broke into cheers, and solidarity with the residents burned hot in Honey’s chest.

‘What do you know about all of these people, Copyright 2016 - 2024