Phoenix Rising Issue #3 - S. R. Watson Page 0,5

his voice is more raw and in your face. An “I’m going to own all your orgasms” type of vibrato with husky inflections. His voice makes me ache and impossibly wet.

“What are you smiling about?” Lily teases.

“Just thinking about the differences between the two,” I admit.

“Between Sevyn and Phoenix?”

“Mm-hmm.” I take a hearty sip of my whiskey to hide my lustful thoughts.

“No comparison, really. Both guys are phenomenal vocalists with their own special musical identity. I’m sure their fans may not pick up on the subtle differences since they both have a range of talent, but I hear it. It’s there.”

“Yeah, I was thinking that too. We know it’s not Phoenix up there, so we’re listening for the variation. I can’t help but wonder, though, if anyone would consider it now that the media has shed light on the fact he has a twin?”

“Meh, I wouldn’t think so. Who’d expect them to be identical in talent? Plus, the show he’s giving right now… Who in the hell would be thinking about anything but that performance? I love Asher, but holy sex on a stick, that man gives me pause.” She wipes imaginary sweat from her forehead and apparently thinks twice about what she just admitted. “Well, you know what I mean. I’m not attracted to Phoenix or anything. I—”

“Lily, it’s all right. I know what you meant. My heart belongs with the asshole twin, but that doesn’t keep me from seeing the obvious. Sevyn definitely holds his own.”

We giggle and turn to watch the rest of the show. The guys started with slow and intoxicating, then increased the tempo to cover songs showcasing Sevyn’s range. They stuck to their twists on various covers, choosing to exclude the original songs Phoenix wrote. Maybe Sevyn didn’t know them well enough, but I’m guessing it was more out of respect and not wanting to broach on his brother’s territory any more than he already was.

They begin to wrap things up, and a slight tug at my heart reminds me it’s time to go back to pretending everything is fine. Nursing my second glass of whiskey, I have a nice buzz even though I’m far from intoxicated. The show gave me a small reprieve from the tension on the bus.

Desiree returns just in time to meet the guys in the dressing room and gush over their performance. She thanks Sevyn for standing in for Phoenix and admits that his vocals pleasantly surprised her.

“I apologize for any doubts I may have had, Sevyn. You were amazing out there. We have a free couple of weeks here in Texas, and then our next stop week after next is Austin. I hope—” She doesn’t get to finish that statement.

“Ready to replace me with my brother after one performance, eh, Desiree?”

Holy shit! It’s Phoenix. He’s back. Other than some minor swelling to his lower lip and scrapes to his right hand, he looks like his usual sexy as fuck self. One thing’s for sure … he definitely knows how to make an entrance just as well as his exit. My eyes peruse his muscular jeans-clad thighs. His red T-shirt clings against his chiseled chest and torso. He really does have the body sculpted of a god and way more swagger than any man should be allowed to possess. My pussy throbs at the sight of him, recalling the last time he was deep within my walls … his unapologetic fucking—claiming me, bending me to his will. I catalog every feature, every mannerism, easily remembering why his existence possesses me.

Desiree’s response to him abruptly interrupts my inner monolog from lustville. “Phoenix!” She flushes crimson, and it’s the first time I’ve seen her tongue-tied.

“You’re back!” Ren and Killian shout as they slap him on the back. Asher looks on silently while Sevyn gives his brother a simple chin lift in acknowledgment.

“Thanks for covering out there, but you can’t take my place,” Phoenix says with an eyebrow arch that normally incinerates my panties. My lust transcends into a mixture of hurt and anger as I get over the shock of seeing him. The feelings from that night flood back like a tidal wave, overflowing my gates of suppression.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Sevyn retorts.

The standoff is broken when Desiree gathers her wits. “We have some important things to discuss that unfortunately can’t wait. We need to get in front of this twin scandal shit, and your little disappearing act didn’t help. Follow me to my car,” she chastises before spinning on her Copyright 2016 - 2024