Persie Merlin and the Witch Hunters - Bella Forrest Page 0,84

ran his hand through his hair and a dark curl fell across his forehead, bringing my attention to his eyes. They looked at me intently, filled with a sorrow I couldn’t begin to understand. Sorrow for Genie, perhaps, but there was a deeper and darker sadness in there, too.

Don’t! It’s a trap! My mom had told me to watch out for Irish charm, and I had a feeling this guy had his turned up to eleven. But it wouldn’t work on me. As he’d said, Genie was alive and kicking, but it was no thanks to him. Had we not had a secret Necromancer in our ranks, things would have been very different.

“Is yer friend all right?” he continued. “I haven’t seen so much as a glimpse of her since yer all disappeared through one of them magic doorways, but I’d like te know if she made it?”

I folded my arms across my chest, determined not to bring any relief to his guilt until he’d answered some of my questions. “What’s your endgame here, huh? Why are you following me? You keep saying you need my help, but you haven’t actually given me a reason to provide it. I mean, I don’t even know your freaking name. So, first things first, you’re going to talk, and then I’ll decide if I want to help you.” I waited, and he nodded tightly. “I want to know what this curse does to other people that’s got you so worried,” I continued. “You mentioned it was ‘infecting’ people—were you being metaphorical? And who are the witch hunters?”

He cocked his head to one side, scrutinizing me. “Me name’s Reid Darcy, so ye can start with that.” I couldn’t help but notice his lips as he spoke. They were nice—full and cherry red, with a precise cupid’s bow.

Not that I cared.

“And I’ve been under this curse for six months, ever since ye came te that witchy place. At first, it only caused bother now and again, but it’s gettin’ worse. I weren’t bein’ metaphorical when I said it’s infectin’ folks like me. Non-witchy folks. It’s turnin’ them into what I am, and I don’t know how te stop it spreadin’ further. That’s why I need yer help, ‘cause ye’ve got magic, and I hope ye’ll have a better idea than I do about how te fix this before ye’ve got a horde of these fear dogs on yer hands.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s Fear Dearg.”

“Right, aye, I forgot.” He twisted a silver ring on the index finger of his left hand. I’d seen the design before, pinned to the lapel of a hunter. It was a claddagh, with two hands circling to cradle a crowned heart. He wore his with the point of the heart facing outward, which meant he wasn’t “attached,” so to speak. Again, not that I remotely cared whether he was or not. Frankly, considering his twinkly eyes and mysterious good looks, which thrummed with sex appeal, he probably flipped that emblem back and forth, week in, week out.

“What about my other questions?” I prompted. This entire situation felt distinctly different from the dank and foul confines of our last discussion. He’d been the one holding the reins then, but now… I had more control. All his bluster had vanished, replaced with palpable fear, and a mournful regret visible all over his face. He certainly appeared to be less intimidating this time, and he hadn’t brought any jumper cables. Not that I could see, anyway.

He focused on his ring. “I’m followin’ ye because ye might be me only hope. As for me endgame…” He trailed off, his shoulders sagging. “I don’t want anyone else goin’ through what I’ve been through. And I don’t want to be lashin’ out and killin’ people, neither. That’s why I’m askin’ now, like ye suggested. I ain’t commandin’ and I ain’t interrogatin’ anymore, and it were wrong of me te do that in the first place.” He exhaled a breath that seemed to rattle through every inch of him, whispering with despair. “No, I ain’t askin’… I’m pleadin’ with ye te help me, ‘cause I’m at a dead end here.”

I considered him. His body language was that of a man at the end of his rope: his hands twisting around each other, wrung in a fraught prayer. I tried to think of something to say, but the words wouldn’t come. He’d done wrong, yes, but he clearly needed help.

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