Persie Merlin and the Witch Hunters - Bella Forrest Page 0,16

here for the pixies.”

They put on a pair of innocent grins that fooled no one, then Persie dove right to the heart of it.

“Well, the pixies have been locked up for a while, and I was thinking it might be good for them to stretch their wings and get some air.” She tapped the side of her mug nervously. “I know I keep asking, and you’re not really supposed to let me, but they hate it in those orbs.”

What sort of vicious cycle did I start? I hadn’t been able to resist their mutual pleas to let Boudicca visit Persie’s room while the two of them were quarantining after the Door business, and it had snowballed from there. Now it was requests for full-on excursions into the orchard or down to the sea, or for a walk in the walled gardens. And it was beginning to worry me. If Victoria discovered that I was permitting this, I would get more than a slap on the wrist.

“Persie…” I started to protest, but she leapt up before I could finish and ran to the pixies. Genie followed her, leaving me no choice but to trail behind them, already knowing that I would relent. I had bent the rules for Persie, Genie, and the pixies so many times that it would’ve been nearly impossible to break the habit now. Nevertheless, I would attempt to put up a fight. At least, that was my intention, until I saw the pixies barrel toward the glass, shrieking with glee at seeing their creator again. No… she was more than that. She was their friend, and so was Genie. Boudicca pressed herself flat against the orb’s glass, swiping her arms up and down as though making snow angels, her legs jigging with happiness. Spartacus whooped and waggled his striped bum in excitement, while Cynane puckered her lips and smooched the glass, her arms wide as though she were trying to hug Persie through the barrier.

“Please, Nathan,” Genie urged on her friend’s behalf, which, biased though I was, I was still able to identify as emotional blackmail. “Look at them.”

I struggled to not feel moved as Persie pressed her palm to the glass and Boudicca placed her tiny hand atop Persie’s from the other side, her big black eyes swimming with bittersweet happiness. “It’s against regulations,” I said, my resolve slowly fizzling away. How could I say I was an advocate of the monsters and their freedom if I could turn my back on such obvious, and deeply mutual, adoration?

Genie’s face hardened. “What about all the other times?”

“I know, I know.” I took off my spectacles and wiped them on the bottom of my T-shirt, a nervous tic that never failed to calm me. “But I can’t keep going against the rules. You should get Victoria’s permission first.”

Persie turned. “I can’t do that. Victoria was very clear that the pixies weren’t to leave the Repository, and she’ll smell a rat if I suddenly ask to take them out. She’ll know that the rules have been bent. She’s not stupid.” In truth, I doubted Victoria would have said yes, even if Persie had asked. After decreeing that the pixies could stay as long as they remained in the Repository, Victoria had ensured that they were tagged with small, yellow plastic rings around one ankle, as an additional assurance. They weren’t trackers, per se, but they set off an alarm if the pixies came close to the Institute’s boundaries. I had tested them myself, and also instructed Persie on how to remove and put them back on safely, so Victoria would never know they had been outside the perimeter.

“You’re putting me in a very awkward situation,” I protested. To add insult to injury, all three of the pixies clasped their hands together, pleading with me. Boudicca chattered softly, and though I couldn’t understand her words, I heard the sadness in her tone.

“They deserve a bit of freedom, Nathan. Victoria might not see it, but I know you do. All those missing Institute folks would still be in Fergus’s realm if it wasn’t for these pixies,” she reminded me gently. “Don’t let Victoria’s rules cause you to forget that. They are owed, and I’m just trying to do what’s right for them.”

I put my glasses back on. “What are you asking for, exactly?”

“One whole day of freedom,” she replied without hesitation. “I swear I’ll take good care of them, and I’ll make sure no one finds out. I haven’t let you Copyright 2016 - 2024