Persie Merlin and the Witch Hunters - Bella Forrest Page 0,129

who’d done this, just as I did: she had cursed Reid. It was written all over her. And that meant she knew a lot more about the witch hunters, and Reid Darcy, than she’d admitted.

But she continued to play the part she’d cast herself in. “You are quite right. If someone here has enacted this terrible crime, you may rest assured that I will get to the bottom of it.” The jagged note in her voice had turned calm and steady. “But I will get to the bottom of it. Not you, or your friends, or any unapproved member of staff.”

I feigned sheepishness. “Of course.”

“In the meantime, you will swear to me, here and now, that this is the last time. If I hear of you doing such madness again, you will be expelled.”

I nodded slowly. “I swear.”

Does she know that I’m onto her? She didn’t give a lot away. She never did. But the swift 180 she’d just done on expulsion suggested she had more than a small suspicion that I understood more than I was letting on. I didn’t know if that put me at an advantage or a disadvantage. One thing was sure, she’d be watching me closer than ever after this. But I’d be watching her, too.

“As for your punishment, you are forbidden from leaving the Institute for a fortnight, and that includes entering the gardens and going to the Repository to visit your monsters. You will have guards posted outside your classrooms and your quarters, and you will be escorted to your first lesson and from your last lesson.” She straightened and pushed back a strand of hair that had come loose in her fury. “The same will go for Genie. With regards to Nathan, I will have to take more time to come up with a suitable punishment, but you must all pay penance for this transgression. Disobedience will not be tolerated. There is little truth behind the saying, ‘It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.’ Not here. Do I make myself clear?”

I bowed my head, playing up to the chastened ingenue role. “Perfectly, Ms. Jules. It’s a more-than-fair punishment.” I should’ve stopped there, but I couldn’t help myself. “I only hope the culprit gets worse, when you find them.”

“Oh, they will. You may count on it,” she lied, brazen to the end.

I stood, knowing things would never be the same again, knowing I’d just waved goodbye to the safety of the shore. Now I had to pray that the truth, and Victoria’s knowledge of it, didn’t drown me before I reached those promised new horizons, whatever they might be.



Wanting to make good use of my last moments of freedom, at least for the next two weeks, I headed straight to the Repository. I knew Genie would be there with Nathan, and I needed to let them know about the deep crap I’d just dunked them in. My heart beat rapidly on the walk over, more afraid of their reaction than when I’d stepped into Victoria’s office.

As I pushed through one of the towering doorways, I froze on the spot. Genie and Nathan were by the window next to a dozing Atlas, who’d obviously been allowed out of his orb for a bit. Their arms were around each other, lips locked in a private kiss. Genie was running her hands through his hair, while he seemed to be a little more restrained, cupping her face in true rom-com style. My jaw dropped. Slowly, I turned to creep away, but Boudicca had other ideas. She unleashed a piercing squeak that shot a javelin of awkwardness through their romantic moment. Atlas, lifting his huge head, let out a series of snorts that sounded a lot like laughter before gently nudging Genie in the back.

“Hey, can’t you see we’re having a mo—” The words died on her lips as she saw me. The two of them had probably gotten used to the pixies trying to antagonize them and had taken to ignoring any and all distractions.

I gave a stupid wave. “I can go, if you want? I… uh… didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Nathan jumped away from Genie as though he’d been smacked, smoothing his hands through his ruffled hair to try and flatten some unruly strands. His glasses were foggy, his cheeks burning a mortified crimson. He put out his hand to help Genie up, and then brushed a mote of something off her cheek.

“All good, nothing to see here,” he babbled. “I’ve really got to stop Copyright 2016 - 2024