Persie Merlin and the Witch Hunters - Bella Forrest Page 0,110

an inky gloom that made me want to sprint back to the cliff path.

Almost there, my phone pinged back almost immediately. Good. Then, I could hand over the antidote, make sure he used it correctly, and all of this could be over and done with. I could go back to the Institute, safe in the knowledge that I’d helped a bunch of people without anyone in a position of magical authority finding out and launching a full-scale attack. That had to be worth inhaling some fish stink. Besides, the uneasiness was probably just some residual effect of the mist that Reid had spilled here when he’d been in Fear Dearg mode. Nothing to worry about.

My Persephone. Leviathan’s voice bombarded my brain out of nowhere. He sounded worried, which was not a look I liked on him. Where are you? he asked.

I rolled my eyes. This isn’t the time, Leviathan. I’m busy.

Are you still annoyed because I could not revive your friend? His tone shifted to one of mild amusement. I confess, I was glad to discover that another had aided her. I lingered a while after you sent me away. Apologies. But did you think me oblivious to the parentage of Nathan O’Hara?

I paused, intrigued by this sudden confession. You knew?!

I know much, but I say little. I believed the Atlantean would be in safe hands. He chuckled softly. Although, I was somewhat insulted that you did not try to speak to me in the aftermath. I was looking forward to offering comfort to my beloved.

You think I know how to open up this insane telepathy pathway? I replied, not sure what to make of his admission that he already knew there was a Necromancer nearby who could save Genie. Not that I would do it, even if I knew how, I hastened to add, in case he thought I was going to start calling him for nighttime chats. If I was his beloved, as he claimed, couldn’t he have let me know Genie was safe? To spare me some of the pain I’d gone through?

I could not tell you. It was not my secret to share, he said, reading my thoughts.

Don’t do that! My thoughts are private! I chided. On some subconscious level, I was glad he was there to keep me company, something familiar to lean on amidst the creep factor of the fishery.

He laughed, evidently enjoying himself. You are pleased I am here? That is more to my liking. If only I could actually be at your side. I would relish the chance, my Persephone. I think of you often. I see your face in my mind’s eye and wonder what you are doing. I wonder if you are happy or sad or if you are in trouble. I listen for your heart, reaching out to me an ocean away.

Mind, not heart, I corrected rapidly. Don’t get the two mixed up.

The true heart is in the mind, my Persephone. The physical heart is but a muscle to pump blood around the body. I could almost hear him grinning. Although mine does beat faster whenever I think of you, or when I hear the sound of your voice inside my head. It has beaten for centuries without thought, but now it beats only for you, my immortal beloved.

I hoped he knew I was cringing. Oh, so now you’re ripping off Beethoven? He called his lover his immortal beloved, so don’t pretend you’ve just come up with that. And I’m not your anything, beloved or immortal.

He cackled. You have no concept of romance, my darling. Whoever originated the phrase does not matter, so long as the sentiment resonates. And don’t fear, one day you will be my immortal beloved.

Was there a reason you decided to drop in? I didn’t want to talk about his grand ideas of me becoming his hell queen. That wasn’t going to happen. Period. And this fishery was eerie enough without images of fire and brimstone flashing into my skull, setting my teeth on edge. I’d almost forgotten about him coming into my mind during Genie’s temporary death. Why had he felt the need to remind me of his existence right now?

I felt your anxiety, he replied, his tone softening. I thought you might appreciate companionship. It seems I was right. Although, I have also heard on the monster grapevine that you have been asking about witch hunters. That is dangerous territory, my beloved.

I folded my arms across my chest. Stop calling me that.

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