Persie Merlin and the Witch Hunters - Bella Forrest Page 0,106

everythin’ out—if this were bein’ used in a real situation, ye would have to give the anti-curse only to the one who got cursed. Sounds obvious, but some folks need it spellin’ out. I’m sure Victoria int one of those, though it pays to have all bases covered.” Ariana took off her goggles and started cleaning up the materials she’d used. “Now that I’ve put in all that effort, I’m tempted to use one of them curses on someone just so I can find out if it works. I won’t, but I’m tempted.” She grinned, gathering up an armful of bottles.

I smiled. “Victoria is going to love it. Thank you so much for going the extra mile.”

“I just wanted to see if I could,” she replied, seemingly content. “But I mean it—I best get some credit when ye hand the gift over.”

“Cross my heart.” I wished I could keep that promise, but obviously we had other intentions for this hex ball. “Do you need any help tidying up?”

Ariana snorted. “Nah, I’ve got everythin’ under control. The two of ye should go and enjoy some sunshine before the weather turns chilly.” She glanced at Genie. “But remember, come next year, I want to have a word wi’ya about Atlantean hexes and potions.”

“No problem,” Genie replied, already halfway off her stool. I guessed she was eager to get to Persie and tell her the good news.

“Thank you again.” I tapped my mug. “And thanks for the snacks.”

“Ye owe me a fresh pack of biscuits! Good ones, not the cheap crap.” Ariana cackled to herself as she loaded the provisions back into their respective cupboards.

I pocketed the hex ball. “Will do. Only the best for you.”

With that, Genie and I exited the lab, each of us gulping down a lungful of the fresh air in the corridor outside. I hadn’t realized just how stuffy it was in the lab and wondered if all of that chemical-tinged smoke could be good for Ariana. I didn’t have too much time to contemplate it, however, as Genie set off toward the residential annexes, where Persie would be waiting.

I fell into step with her and handed her the hex ball, so she could pass it on to Persie. She looked sideways at me with a strange, bemused expression. “You really are a cabbage, aren’t you?”

“Pardon?” I wasn’t sure if I needed to feel insulted.

“Hidden layers,” she reminded me with a smile. “You’ve got this innocent, shy, toeing-the-line vibe going on, but you’ve just played two of the most important people in the Institute. And you didn’t even break a sweat. Hell, I believed everything you said even though I knew you were lying. I’m thinking I need to get you an Oscar or something. Or, maybe I need to be more on my guard.”

I gaped at her. “No… you never need to be on your guard with me. Never. You already know the only lie I’ve ever told you, and you know why I told it. I wouldn’t ever try to fool you or manipulate you like I’ve just done with Ariana and Victoria.” I didn’t know if she was toying with me, but the possibility that she wasn’t made my heart hurt. “With you, I’m sincere and honest. It would kill me to ever find myself lying to you.”

“Are you sincere? About me?” Her voice softened, her gaze probing mine.

“I am.” I swallowed my fear, riding the bravery wave that I’d been on since going to Victoria’s office. “And that’s why I want to ask you out on a date. A proper one, once we’ve dealt with Reid.”

Genie’s mouth fell open in shock. “What?”

“I want to invite you on a date, with me, after all of this is over,” I repeated.

Her lips curved into the most glorious grin. “There you go, getting more cabbage-y by the minute.”

“Is that a potential yes?” I asked, a bit too hopefully.

“It’s not a potential yes,” she replied, touching my arm for a fleeting moment. “It’s a hell yes.”

And with that, my heart, much like Ariana’s potions, exploded.



Perched anxiously on the edge of my bed, I waited with bated breath, my paranoia ramping up with every tiny sound from the hallway beyond my bedroom door. Genie, Nathan, and I were taking some monumental risks to fight Reid’s curse. If anyone found out that Genie wasn’t here, even though she’d been seen entering, she’d be in huge trouble. Frankly, she’d already been through more than enough without me roping her into potential Copyright 2016 - 2024