Persie Merlin and the Door to Nowhere by Bella Forrest Page 0,86

to get involved, and they’d be forced to assess the safety of this place and the students therein. It could get closed down. And that would all be because of me, if I opened my mouth and spilled the beans to the wrong people. But where did that leave me? Alone, with no one to talk to, that was where.

“This is ridiculous!” I yelled, punching a pillow. “Why couldn’t you have picked someone else, you bastard! I liked my life! I didn’t mind being ordinary! Why did it have to be me?!” This curse was merciless, without a single silver lining. I wondered how Echidna had endured it. How long had she lived, watching her creations get rounded up and put into glass boxes? I imagined it hadn’t always been that way. Once upon a time, monsters must’ve roamed the Earth freely. It was only when the covens were created, and someone realized that Purge beasts could power them, that they’d lost their liberty.

You must’ve been so sad all the time. Perhaps she’d considered it a blessing when Tobe put her on ice, so she wouldn’t have to stand by and watch anymore. I’d never expected to sympathize with my predecessor, but it was hard not to, given the circumstances—and I’d only had this curse for a short time.

What is wrong, my Persephone? That voice echoed in my head, making me jolt in surprise. It came through bright and clear this time. A direct line from Leviathan himself—not like before, when he’d told me to sing. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It paid to be careful what you wished for. Had I wanted someone to speak to so badly that I’d opened up a telepathic link to Leviathan?

I shook my head. Is this a trick? You can’t be in my head—you’re at the SDC. I went away so you couldn’t do this anymore.

I felt your pain and came to ease it. You should not suffer like this. His words were alarmingly soft and soothing. Exactly what I needed, but from the wrong person.

I picked up the pillow and wrapped it around my head, like that would do any good. This isn’t possible. You’re an ocean away.

I pressed my hands harder against my ears, pushing further into the pillow. None of this made any sense. When he’d told me to sing, that voice had been far away, like a message that had been left some time ago. But this came through crystal clear and gut-wrenchingly present. Unless… everyone had been wrong about how far our connection could reach. Like the Purges, maybe it took extreme emotion to get the link to work like this, my anguish and misery somehow forcing the transmission across greater distances. The possibility stunned me for a second, equal parts terrifying and incredible.

Do you want me to leave? He let the words linger in my skull, putting the ball firmly in my court. Part of me wondered if he would actually go, if I told him to.

I’m not sure, I replied. He might have been the monster who’d done this to me, but he was the only person I had right then. And, sometimes, something was better than nothing.

He chuckled quietly. Then I will stay until you decide.

I didn’t know what to talk to him about. He wanted to know if I was okay, but he likely already knew the answer, or he wouldn’t have struck up a telepathic conversation in the middle of a nervous breakdown. So, I did the only thing I could do. I put the pillow back down and watched the sunrise, the vivid orange and sunflower yellow splintering the aquamarine sky.

What are you doing, my Persephone? he asked.

I shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me. Watching the sun come up and fretting about my friend and the pixies I Purged.

He made a noise of intrigue. Pixies? How thrilling. I have not seen their kind in many a year.

So everyone keeps saying. I sighed, closing my eyes to the brightness.

You do not care for them?

No… I do. That’s why I’m sitting here, locked in a room. Eyes squeezing tighter, enveloping me in a self-darkened world, a few questions popped into my head. Ones only he would be able to answer. Is there a reason I didn’t Purge for five days?

I thought I heard him shrug. Your ability does not want to kill you. It wants you to succeed. It was likely allowing you to recover from your last Purge.

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