Persie Merlin and the Door to Nowhere by Bella Forrest Page 0,148

the camera. “I fixed everything. Don’t I get some credit for that?”

Harley sank back in her chair and sighed the kind of sigh only a mother can expel. “I’m… insanely proud of you, Persie. What you did is incredible, by anyone’s standards. And I know I’m being hypocritical, worrying about you being in danger when I was doing similar things at your age. But it’s my job to worry.” She managed a half-smile. “Nothing you can say will change that. You could be in a cotton-candy bubble, and I’d still worry. But I am so very proud of what you’ve achieved.”

Persie relaxed. “That’s nice to hear.”

“Will I be able to see these pixies in the Bestiary?” Harley asked. “I’m always curious to see what you’ve created. It used to be artwork, but I suppose Purge beasts are sort of like living art.”

I snorted. “And the gargoyles are the really ugly portraits that make people giggle.”

“Gargoyles have their merits,” Harley said, laughing. “You’ve just got to make sure they don’t get too fond of you, or you’ll never get the slime out of your clothes. Murray has always been partial to licking.”

Persie’s eyes brightened. “Victoria let me keep the pixies here, in the Repository. She’s not sending them on to the Bestiary, so you’ll have to see them when you visit. I think you’d get along well with one of them.” She grinned, and a flutter in the corner of the room signaled an eavesdropper.

“Victoria thought it would be important to Persie’s development,” I added sagely. “This way, she gets to visit the pixies and spend time with them, so she can relate to what she’s created. They’re genuinely amazing. I never knew monsters could have these huge personalities. Everyone in this place has a lot to learn from her.”

Harley’s smile widened. “I’m just glad you’re both safe. I knew there was a reason you two were best friends. Just don’t make this a habit, okay? Less saving the world, more learning.” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “Kes is driving your uncle up the wall. He’s so jealous of the pair of you. But now that Tobe has banned him from the Bestiary, he’s diverted his efforts into monster-study so he can get into the Institute when he’s old enough.”

“Tell him there’s a spell I can give him if he wants to sneak into the Bestiary without old Tobes knowing.” I flashed a mischievous smirk, channeling my pixie friend.

“Don’t even joke.” Harley rolled her eyes. “He’d snap up the offer in a heartbeat.”

I chuckled. “Who said I was joking?”

“From here on in, it’s all about studying and training,” Persie interjected before her mom had a heart attack. “And I swear I’ll call you—”

Her sentence was cut short by a knock on the door. The hunter behind it didn’t wait for permission to come in.

“Victoria wants to see you in her office,” he said gruffly.

Persie immediately stiffened. “I’ll have to call you back, Mom. And, seriously, you don’t have anything to worry about. We’re fine, everyone’s fine.” She pressed her lips to her fingertips and put them to the camera. “Bye. Speak soon.”

She swiped the end-call button before her mom could reply. “What does she want now?”

“I’m betting it’s good news,” I encouraged. “She’s already raked you across the coals for sneaking out and stuff, and you got away with a reluctant ‘thank you’ and a slap on the wrist. Now that things are getting back to normal, I bet it’ll be about developing your control. She wants you to be here, Pers. Everyone does.”

She sighed and stood. “Let’s hope you’re right.”

With that, she left the room, leaving me and Boudicca to get started on another round of toothpaste archery.



I followed the hunter through the hallways, but he didn’t lead me where I’d been expecting to go. Most chidings took place in Victoria’s snazzy office, but he seemed to be taking me to the Repository.

My heart plummeted. Maybe she’d found out about Boudicca’s trips out of her orb and planned to give me a warning about it. Although Nathan would technically get the rap for that, since he was the one who kept dropping Boudicca off like my room was some kind of pixie daycare. Not that I minded having her. In fact, I loved it, which was part of my concern. I didn’t want Boudicca to have to go back into her orb full-time, not after what she’d done for me and the abductees.

“She’s in there.” The hunter ushered me through the Copyright 2016 - 2024