Persie Merlin and the Door to Nowhere by Bella Forrest Page 0,143

out. Genie tripped on a clump of dirt that Charlotte had chucked to the side of Lorelei’s grave, and Nathan’s arms shot out to catch her, pulling her away from a crash landing. She whirled into his arms, their eyes meeting for a lingering moment before she hastily unraveled herself.

No way am I letting you get the first hug, Nathan. Grinning, I sprinted from my hiding place and weaved through the group of returnees to get to my best friend. Nathan nodded at me, smiling, and Genie turned, her eyes flying wide when she saw me.

“Genie!” I cried, wrapping my arms around her. Her hands clasped me tight as we fell into an embrace, my exuberance almost knocking her over again. Fortunately, Nathan put up his hands to keep us from toppling over, before taking a few polite steps to the side.

“You had me so worried,” I murmured, tears of relief trickling down my face. “I didn’t know if I’d be able to get to you in time.”

She smiled against my shoulder. “Did you free us?”

“With some unexpected help.” I puffed out an almighty sigh, relishing the moment. “I can’t believe I got you back. I didn’t know if I’d be able to do it, but you’re here, and everything’s okay again.”

“Thanks to you, it is.” She gripped me tighter until I couldn’t breathe. But I didn’t care. “Look at what you did, Pers. Look at everyone who’s safe because of you. You’re every bit a freaking Merlin! Man, I’m so proud of you my head could burst.”

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I didn’t do it alone. Nathan helped, and so did Charlotte and the pixies.”

“Hey, every hero needs sidekicks.” She laughed, rubbing my arms like a proud mom. “You did it! You seriously kicked butt, Persie! None of us would be standing here if you hadn’t. If you didn’t stink to high heaven, I’d smooch you right now!”

I looked at Nathan, over Genie’s shoulder, and giggled as he took off his specs and wiped them on his polo shirt. The poor guy had never looked more uncomfortable. “I might’ve just swum through a grave, so sorry for the stench.”

Genie pulled away. “I need to hear all of this story, down to the smallest detail.” She arched a curious eyebrow. “Wait… did you say Charlotte helped?”

“You missed a lot.” I looked at Nathan. “And there’s a bunch you need filling in on.”

“It sounds like it,” he replied, placing his glasses back on his nose.

I was about to regale them when one final figure stepped out of the gateway—the man who’d caused this mess in the first place. Letting go of Genie, I stormed over to Fergus and drew my hand back, slapping my palm across his face with all the anger in my veins. But my hand went right through him, the uninterrupted momentum almost making me stumble. Rallying quickly, I blocked his path, determined to get an explanation even if I couldn’t have the satisfaction of a soap-opera slap. However, as I came face to face with him, all the venting I’d planned got carried away in the wind, like the ashes of those who’d died in his realm. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his expression a confusing blend of happy and sad.

“Did ye do this, lass?” he asked, bowing his head.

I nodded slowly. “Yes.”

“Then I owe ye a debt of gratitude. I never thought, for a moment, that ye’d do this after I hoofed ye out of me world like I did,” he said softly, his breath hitching. “I never thought there were a soul alive who’d put me back where I belong. With her…” His green eyes sought out the headstone, though Lorelei’s name had long been erased by the elements. “I know I’m dead as a doornail, but… ye’ve made me feel like I’m alive again, lass. She’s calling me. I can hear her singin’—I’ve missed that sound, like ye wouldn’t believe.”

He tried to step forward, but I stood in the way. “Not so fast, Fergus. I’ve done something for you, now I want you to tell me everything. Starting with what’s going to happen to this gateway.”

Fergus wiped a tear from his cheek. “Me love died before she could get te the paradise I built fer us, so her soul never made it there. There ain’t no point in it existin’ now. Burn me bones—both our bones—and it’ll destroy the gateway fer good. Them Wisps, too. They’ll not bother no one again, and nor will Copyright 2016 - 2024