Persie Merlin and the Door to Nowhere by Bella Forrest Page 0,106

show just for us.

“Hmm?” Nathan appeared just as captivated as I was. “Oh, yes, something to… uh, that effect. They might be the remnants of… What did you say again?”

“Dead hunters’ spirits,” I replied.

“Yes, they might be remnants of… a dead hunter’s magic, though I can’t think who they would belong to.” He giggled, his eyes wide as saucers. “They would have had to be… What was I saying? Um… exceptionally powerful to leave such wondrous fragments behind. And I can’t think… I can’t think… of anyone who would have fit such a bill recently. Maybe not even in the… the Institute’s history.”

Grinning idiotically at the floating lights, I looked around in wonder as music began to play, melodic and sweet with an undercurrent of sadness that brought tears to my eyes. I could almost envision a chorus of angels, cheesy as it sounded. But music inspired imagination, and I’d never heard a sweeter or sadder song in my whole life.

“Tell me you can hear that?” Nathan sighed, his eyes wet.

I nodded dumbly. “It’s incredible. Do you know what they’re saying?”

“It’s an old variation of Gaelic…” He hummed quietly, trying to find the melody. “But even my ordinary Gaelic is very rusty. I can only make out something to do with a broken heart and… eternal longing, perhaps? But it might be a stomachache.”

Persephone? A not-so-melodic voice cut through my charmed thoughts. Persephone, can you hear me?

Not now! You’re ruining it!

Ruining what? He sounded bemused.

The pretty lights and the beautiful music. It’s… the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard. I watched the lights flow balletically through the air, moving in time to the slow, bittersweet song. I’d appreciate it if you could get out of my head so I can keep on enjoying it. Why are you in my head, anyway? Weirdly, I wasn’t upset that Leviathan had made contact.

The music is why I came. Your fascination with it. His tone carried a hint of concern, which annoyed me.

Oh, so I can’t be happy or angry or sad without you showing up unannounced? Are there any emotions I can feel without you butting in?

He chuckled softly. Your emotions are erratic. That is why I am here. There is something amiss. His laughter faded. Tell me about the lights and music.

I don’t know. They just appeared, but I’ve seen them before—they’re these gaseous, floaty orbs, a bit like small, colorful comets. There wasn’t any music last time, though, I explained. I wished he’d buzz off so I could hear the music properly without him taking up headspace.

Ah… A note of surprise punctuated the sound.

I rolled my eyes. Ah? What does that mean?

They sound like Will-o’-the-Wisps. I have heard of them, but they have never interested me enough to warrant my full attention. He paused. Now, however… Perhaps they have earned my curiosity.

I tried to hide my excitement in case Nathan noticed, but I quickly realized he was too transfixed by the lights to even remember that I was here. The hiding pixies had come out to slap some sense into him, the one in his hair tugging on his locks, but he didn’t pay them any mind. I didn’t blame him. Who would want to be distracted from such a remarkable display? I definitely didn’t, but I had a nuisance in my noggin that wouldn’t go away until he’d done whatever it was he’d come to do, and I was anxious to return to the light show.

Are you going to leave me hanging? I asked.

He laughed. You know I would never do that, my Persephone. Will-o’-the-Wisps are elemental spirits. The lights themselves are candles of the dead. The spirits hold the candles, and they are the ones who sing, but you cannot see the bearers with the naked eye. They may appear to some as hazy figures. I am surprised you are not able to see them. He made a sound, as though he was slightly disappointed by this fact.

Sorry that I’m not some almighty Mother of Monsters, I spat, becoming more and more frustrated by his voice. It was like hearing three songs at once, all the notes clamoring in my head and making my nerves bristle. Besides, last time we’d spoken, he’d told me about a Door to Nowhere, not elemental spirits or wisps. It sounded like he was making it up as he went along, trying to keep my attention.

Anyway, that is by the by, Leviathan continued. The candles of the dead and the song of the spirits Copyright 2016 - 2024