Perils of a Papillon (Fuzzy Love #3) - Tara Lain Page 0,24

too much fun making sure Toby got the shake he deserved. He’d come in here knowing he liked Toby and wishing him well, but now he knew that Toby was more than a cute guy with a good heart. He was a great and innovative teacher and the world needed more like him. Ernest admired skill and expertise. Still, that’s what had gotten him into this mess to begin with.

He grabbed two mini-pumpkin cheesecakes, a delicacy seldom seen this far into the spring, and carried the plate back to Toby. With a grin, he held it out.

“I thought you only liked coconut.” Toby picked up the cheesecake and took a bite. “Hey, this is good.”

Funny. Toby wasn’t really handsome. More of a regular guy, except for the very beautiful pale hair that looked so thick and glossy you wanted to touch it to see if it was real. And behind the nerdy glasses, his eyes were a beautiful deep blue. But his attractiveness was more about the expression in those eyes. The combination of intelligence and ingenuousness that so seldom went together. That kiss hadn’t been half bad either, despite Toby being in near shock.

Ernest said, “Actually, I’ve been known to fall under the spell of both coconut and pumpkin.” He took a bite of his own tiny dessert. He raised his eyebrows in agreement on the good part. He leaned closer. “What other mountains should we climb today? Who else needs convincing that your school can’t live without you as a full-time teacher?”

“No one really. You cut a pretty wide swathe. I was actually just thinking of doing a round of goodbyes and leaving before I somehow undo all the good you’ve done.”

“I think the latter’s unlikely, but I agree it’s always good to leave them wanting more.” He took the plate to the tray and then offered Toby his arm as they walked toward Emily for their farewells.

Twenty minutes later, they’d said thank you to everyone including the caterer, and Toby went to the restroom while Ernest waited outside in the sunshine.

A woman’s voice said, “I never got to meet you.”

Ernest turned to see a slim, stunning, red-headed woman, wearing subtle makeup, a pretty sundress with a matching sweater over it, and an expression so disingenuous it had to be phony.

He said, “Hi, I’m Ernest. You’re Justin’s wife, right?”

She widened her eyes. “Yes, but don’t hold that against me.”

“Oh? Why not?” He said it with a smile, but she got the message.

“I know. He can be a bit much. But he does love teaching so much, he gets a bit overzealous in his enthusiasm.”

“I think the word I’d use was obnoxious.”

She barked a laugh. “Wow. You’re quite something, aren’t you?”

Ernest shrugged. “I haven’t suggested to you that your husband hired you to make him look good.”

Her eyes widened. “No. Justin didn’t really do that, did he?”

“Afraid so.”

She blinked away an expression of surprise covering a flash of real anger. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize he was behaving so badly.”

“He knows a worthy competitor when he sees one.”

“I suppose so.” She looked over her shoulder. “I see Toby coming, so I’ll leave you to your boyfriend.” She turned her lips upward. “I hope we have a chance to see each other again.” With that odd remark, she turned and walked right past Toby as she made her way back inside.

Toby frowned at her retreating back. “What was that about?”

Ernest shook his head. “I’ve got no idea.”

Inside the car, Toby turned to Ernest. “Where shall I take you?”

“Want to get some real food?”

Toby’s heart gave a leap, but he said, “I’d love to, but I have to get home to take Harry for a walk. Molly’s being a barista today.”

“Okay, let’s go walk him.”

The smile broke out all over Toby’s face. “Really?”

“Sure. Hell, it might take two just to control the beast.”

No one had to persuade Toby. He pointed the car toward home.

They talked about all the people Ernest had met at the party, which kept Toby laughing most of the twenty-minute drive. When they parked in the lot for the apartment complex, Toby said, “Sorry for the comedown. We use most of the money we have to pay for Molly’s education. She worked her butt off to put me through school.”

“What’s she studying?”

“Computer science. She wants to go into IT.” Toby led them up the cracked sidewalk, sidestepping the abandoned toys. As he inserted the key into the lock of the apartment, the sound of snuffling and scratching Copyright 2016 - 2024