Perfect Tales of the Were - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,5

she couldn’t help herself. She just seemed to love baking.

Cody could see that. It’s probably why she’d made such a success of her cake business. She also probably felt a little lost without her bakery. Cody could understand that, too.

In fact, he worried that she was lonely up at that big house, all alone. Sure, the household staff was there during the day, cleaning and repairing things, or whatever needed to be done, but at night, she was all alone. He wondered if she was lonely. He also worried about her safety with the strange goings on at her ranch. Which was why he prowled underneath her window, night after night.

That and the fact that he just couldn’t seem to stay away.


Cody showed up at Cassie’s backdoor just before sunset. Dinner was over, and the ranch was settling down for the night.

At Cody’s suggestion, they sat on the back porch, away from the prying eyes in the bunkhouse. Cassandra had to hand it to Cody for planning so well. It wasn’t that she was ashamed to be seen socializing with one of the hands. It was more that she was hoping to keep this private, just between them. A shared, delicious secret.

Cassandra had spent the afternoon trying a new tweak on the recipe for the pastries, hoping to impress Cody with the results, as dessert. After that, if things went well, she’d get her own dessert…Cody. It was all she could think about, all she could focus on—the heated promise in his kiss and the yearning in her deprived body.

“Try this.” She handed him the plate with one of the newly baked pastries and waited expectantly while he sampled the new recipe. Those sharp white teeth and sexy lips had an even more devastating effect on her in the dusky twilight. The man was just too handsome for his own good—or hers.

“It was great before, but now, it’s perfect.” He sat beside her on the porch swing, moving nearer as her temperature rose. He was so close.

Would he kiss her now? Or would he do a whole lot more? She tingled in anticipation.

“Thanks to you,” she said, her voice a tad breathless. “I wouldn’t have thought about adding strawberries. I tend to think of them as a rather boring fruit.”

“For shame. Strawberries can be very exciting, Cassie. Especially when I think of them against your lips. I’d like to see you suck on a big ripe berry. And then, I’d like to see you do the same to me.”

Sweet Lord above. What had he just said? The images in her mind made her face heat with a blush and her stomach clench with desire.

Cody leaned toward her as her breath caught. She could picture the scenario he outlined all too easily. She felt her insides flutter as he put the plate aside and moved even closer. There was only a breath between their lips now.

“Tell me if you don’t want this, Cassie. Tell me now. Yes or no?”

His eyes searched hers, the expression on his face hard, yet caring. She wanted this. She wanted him. She wanted to feel his strong male body against her and not just dream about it for a change. But it had been so long she felt a little awkward. She placed her palms against the soft fabric of his shirt, against the hard wall of his chest.

“I’m…” Damn, this was really hard to admit. “I don’t usually do this kind of thing, but…”

“Hell, Cassie, I know you’re not easy. Every man on this place respects you and can’t say a word against you. I don’t aim to change that, but I can’t stay away. I want you too much.”

Well, if that didn’t set a woman’s panties on fire, she didn’t know what would. Having a gorgeous hunk of manhood—one who could have just about any woman he wanted—say he wanted you, too? Well, that was just too much. Add that to the compliments he lavished on her, and she was sold. Far too cheaply, she was sure, but she didn’t care anymore. She wanted him, too. She just wanted to feel…wanted.

She placed her lips against his, whispering, “Yes.”

His arms came around her, pulling her close as he groaned and deepened the kiss. He kissed like a dream, proving her earlier response hadn’t just been a fluke as she’d half feared. No, Cody was the real deal. He set her senses spinning with little more than a hard embrace and a sensuous sweep of his Copyright 2016 - 2024