Perfect Tales of the Were - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,29

want to steal power from someone else, rather than earn it the old-fashioned way through hard work and study.”

The sheriff approached the porch stairs but didn’t come up. “We’re going to clear out those men’s rooms in the bunkhouse.” His words were addressed to Cassandra, surprisingly enough. “I’m arresting them, but it’s probably in everyone’s best interest to just act as if they ran off in the night.”

“But won’t Rich, Emma, and the others hear?” Cassandra objected.

The sheriff smiled cunningly. “We know how to move silently when the need arises,” he told her. “Plus, Cody tells me the bunkhouse was renovated with soundproofing in mind, for privacy. We’ll get their belongings, and none will be the wiser. Just wanted you to know and see if you had any objection.”

They were asking her, not just telling her how it was going to be? That was a bit of a surprise. She looked at Joe, and he just watched, expectantly, to see what she’d say.

“I don’t see a reason to object. I’m sure you’re more familiar with this sort of thing than I am,” she said after a moment’s thought.

“We’ll have our investigators go through their stuff. We really need to know who was offering a bounty in return for kidnapping a member of my Pack.” Joe straightened and headed for the steps. “And just a word of warning. Until this is fully resolved, keep your eyes open. Whoever was in contact with those two might show up here looking for them. If that happens, I need to know. I’m sorry to say that you’ll have to be more vigilant from now on. In some ways, it’s easier on people not knowing about the struggles of good versus evil that we shifters live with every day.”

On that surprisingly philosophical note, Joe went down the steps and joined the sheriff. They met up with Cody, had a short conversation, then the mayor headed for his vehicle. Cody and the sheriff went toward the bunkhouse while the deputy kept watch over the prisoners.

Cassandra decided it was past time for her to go inside and rest her wobbly knees. A good stiff drink might help, too, but she decided against it as soon as her butt hit the sofa. Too much work to get up again, and get it, plus, she wanted to keep a clear head for when Cody came to talk to her.

She didn’t know why she was so sure he would, but she was. She knew he had plenty to keep him busy for a while, cleaning up after those two miscreants, but like she knew the sun would rise in the morning, she felt that Cody would come back to her. Oddly, the thought didn’t frighten her. It made her feel comfortable. Protected.

She knew in her heart that even if the world turned upside down—which it sort of just had—he would be there. Looking out for her.

Sure enough, about twenty minutes later, there was a hesitant tap at the front door. Cassandra hadn’t moved from the sofa in the front room, and she hadn’t locked the front door, so she just called out for him to enter.

Chapter Nine

Cody wasn’t sure of his welcome after everything that had just happened, but he really needed to talk to Cassie and try to explain things. He couldn’t leave things the way they were. The uncertainty was driving him nuts, making his wolf want to claw from inside his skin, which was not a comfortable feeling.

Breathing deep for courage, he knocked on her door and was relieved when he heard her call out that he should come in. First hurdle jumped. Now, he’d have to see about all the rest.

He found her in the front room, sitting on the sofa. She looked a bit shell-shocked, if he was any judge.

“Are you okay?” he asked gently, pausing in the archway that led into the living room.

She looked at him, and he could see her skin was pale with the shock of all she’d been through, and all she’d seen, that night. He went to her. He couldn’t do anything else. Her need for comfort was an imperative in his soul, even though he didn’t know how he would be received. Still, he moved closer, wanting to offer comfort.

“I’m just…” She shook her head and tried again, as he walked slowly closer. “I’m still in shock, I think.”

“Can I sit down?” he asked, not wanting to take anything for granted.

“Sure,” she said, indicating the space next to Copyright 2016 - 2024