Perfect Tales of the Were - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,10

hearing reports from the Lords that say it’s not as rare as it used to be,” Joe told him. “There was a communique only last month warning of a potion witch that had an entire factory under her spell using the dark hidden arts. Apparently, they’re starting to come out of the woodwork.”

“Then, we’d better get all the intel we can today before whoever it is goes back and cleans up,” Cody said, frowning. “Damn. I’m supposed to be working near the house today, and it’ll be hard to fabricate an excuse to go out there.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll ask Weaver if he’ll allow access through his property. Shane can start the investigation quietly. You can do an info swap with Shane tonight, after dinner, if that works,” Joe suggested. “You’ve done well in finding this before they have a chance to completely cover their tracks. That’s good enough, for now.”

Cody didn’t feel that way, but if Joe was okay with it, Cody would have to be satisfied. For now.

“I’ll do better, Alpha,” Cody felt compelled to pledge.

“You’re already doing better than I expected,” Joe reassured him. “I didn’t set you an easy task. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Cody shook his head and had to grin. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

“See that you do. Now, what’s your opinion of the new owner? Cassandra of the cakes,” Joe asked.

Cody sighed. It figured the Alpha would ask that today, of all days, when Cody was still reeling from the discovery that Cassie was his mate. But he had to be honest with his Alpha.

“It’s complicated, Joe,” Cody began, not sure how to say this, when he’d never said anything remotely like it before in his life.

“Bad? Is she in on it, you think?” Joe’s tone immediately got suspicious.

“No! Oh, hell no,” Cody objected. “Sorry. I’m just… It’s hard to believe. Joe, she’s my mate.”

“Are you serious?” Joe asked.

Cody wished he could see the Alpha’s face, but this was a voice-only call. Was he pleased? Angered? Did he not want another human brought into the Pack?

If that was the case, Cody would damned well leave and keep Cassie with him. He’d rather be a lone wolf with a mate than part of a Pack that was intolerant of non-magical folk.

“Yeah. I realized it for certain last night,” Cody admitted, waiting to see which way this would go. He was seconds from leaving his birth Pack, but he had no choice if the Alpha wouldn’t accept his choice of mate.

“Well, hell,” Joe said slowly. “Congratulations.”

Cody started to breathe again. It sounded like he wouldn’t have to go lone wolf after all. Thanks be to the Mother of All. He might have had the wanderlust the past few decades, but he always returned to Big Wolf. Now, it seemed he had a great reason to stay. Permanently. No more wandering. No more searching. He had a mate now…if she could be convinced to accept him, and all that entailed.

But Cassie didn’t even know he was a shifter yet. He had to find a way to make her fall in love with him the human way, so she’d be more willing to accept his differences. He’d have to seduce her and make love to her so creatively that she’d be ruined for any other male.

It was a tough job, but he was up to the task. Cody smiled to himself, thinking about the ways he would go about winning her trust and making her crave him the way he craved her.

“Does she know?” Joe asked, bringing Cody back to the conversation.

“No, not yet,” Cody admitted. “I’m going to have to approach this cautiously. She’s totally ignorant of the real world and has no clue about magic or shifters at all. Of that, I’m nearly a hundred percent certain. She’s a big city career lady who loves to bake and had a hankering for the wide open spaces. What you see is what you get with her. Educating her about magic and the paranormal world is going to take some finesse.”

“You’re up to it,” Joe said, giving Cody his support like the good Alpha he was.

“Thanks, Joe. So, just to be clear. You don’t mind that she’s human?” Cody had to ask. He believed in straight speaking and knew Joe did, too. That was just one of the reasons Cody respected the Alpha so much.

“Mind? Hell, no. Not at all. She’s welcome because she is yours, and you’re ours. Pack. Never doubt that.” Joe Copyright 2016 - 2024