The Perfect Secret (Jessie Hunt #11) - Blake Pierce Page 0,51

snapping her out of it. “Here’s the short version. I introduce you to my boss. He runs a full background check on you to make sure you’re cool. It’s way more than a wand and ID check. Some of our clients are big-time and they don’t want any complications. Are you going to be able to pass a background check, Hannah?”

“Absolutely,” she lied.

Any check they did would reveal not only that her adoptive parents had been murdered by her serial killer father, but that her half-sister was a criminal profiler who was cozy with the LAPD. That was likely an insurmountable hurdle to pass, which made it crucial to get as much intel out of this meeting as possible.

“Excellent,” he said. “Assuming you’re right, you’ll be paired with a few of our more experienced, less…demanding clients. They’ll give us reviews based on your skill and enthusiasm. Consider it a probationary period. Assuming that goes well, you’ll be allowed to start dating whales. That’s where the big money is. You might even be asked to spend a few long weekends at our Big House.”

“Big House?” she repeated, trying to project girlish enthusiasm.

“Yeah—one of our sponsors provides a mansion with ocean views where girls can stay and get visits from clients. You’d have total run of the place—awesome media set-up, relaxing by the pool, unlimited access to whatever substances float your boat. It’s a constant party.”

Alarm bells began ringing in Hannah’s head. Rico’s description sounded a lot like the house that Jessie had mentioned last night. As keyed up as she was, it occurred to her that this would likely be her only chance to make sure she was on the right track before she’d have to submit herself to the kind of interrogatory gauntlet she knew she’d never pass. In that moment, she decided she had to go for broke.

“That sounds awesome,” she said as giddily as she could. “And Elodie mentioned that there could be travel too?”

Rico shot the other girl a nasty look that seemed to suggest she’d spoken out of school. But when he turned back to Hannah, he had a big, clearly insincere smile on his face.

“Let me put it this way. If you prove you’re a gamer, a lot of opportunities are definitely available. I know girls who quit school just months before graduating because they were raking in more dough than doctors and lawyers. But for that to be you, you’ve got to put in the work. Are you up for that?”

She pretended to take a second to think it over, then gave her most animated nod.

“I am,” she said.

“Great,” he said. “Then I’m going to drop Elodie off and you and I can go get started on that background check.”

For the first time since she’d gotten in the car, Hannah felt a flicker of what she thought might be real fear.

“Now?” she said.

“Why waste time, right?” he told her. “The quicker you get the go-ahead, the quicker you can start making big bucks. And like I said, the clock is ticking for you. Once you’re legal, your market value drops big time.”

There was no way she could go with him. Once they did the background check and found out who she was, they’d immediately suspect her motives for agreeing in the first place. That severed head scenario suddenly seemed uncomfortably realistic.

“I would totally do it today,” she said. “But I promised my mom I’d pick up my grandpa from chemo today. She usually does it but she had a double shift. If I’m not there when he’s finished, they’ll call her and I’ll be screwed.”

Rico stared at her silently for so long that she almost felt uncomfortable.

“This isn’t good, Hannah. How can we count on you when you can’t even do the first big meet that I ask for? And how are you supposed to do your client work if you have to pick up your sick grandfather all the time?”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Normally it’s no big deal. I usually only have to get him about once a month. This just happens to be the day. But I didn’t want to miss meeting with you. I just didn’t know it would be more than a quick thing.”

“We need to know you’re reliable,” he said.

“I am,” she assured him. “Now that I know what’s involved, I’ll make it work. I really need this. I mean, the mansion and the travel sound great, but like I said, my grandpa’s sick. This money could really help Copyright 2016 - 2024