Perfect Night (Mason Creek #4) - Terri E. Laine Page 0,68

tell your client, or should I?” The lawyer knew they were screwed. “You see, you admitted to aggravated assault of Mr. Hawkins which is a felony. If your felony results in a death, that’s called deliberate homicide here in Montana. You’ll be subject to the death penalty. I hope it was worth it. You should have called 911.”

Evan lost it and charged at me. I had the benefit of time as he skirted around the table. I let him hit me because that was an assault of a law enforcement officer. Just another assault charge added to the many.

Wyatt and Sam, who’d been watching, came rushing in and subdued him. We already had county transport ready to take him to a county jail. He was spitting mad.

I turned to his lawyer. “You should know, we have a duly executed search warrant for his apartment in Chicago. Well, the Feds do. I called in a favor to a buddy of mine. Anyway, he’s being moved to county.”

The lawyer said nothing and walked out.

Though I had paperwork to do, I had to do something first.


I happened to be out front when Aiden walked into the bar. I smiled before I noticed he wasn’t. “What’s wrong?”

He glanced around. “Can we talk outside?”

That was unusual. I felt nervous butterflies and not the good kind. My stomach continued to churn as he took my hand and led me out the front door. “You’re scaring me,” I admitted.

“Let’s walk around back.”

That freaked me out more. He didn’t want anyone to see or hear what he was about to tell me.

At the back of the bar, there was an outdoor area that had a platform deck. We used that for evening summer-time concerts and special barbecue events when we screened sports games. At the moment, it was empty.

He never let go of my hand and we were standing close, so he didn’t have to speak loudly. “We have your father’s killer in custody.” Alarm filled me. “I wanted you to hear it from me before the rumor mill got started.”

“Who is it?” I prayed it wasn’t Jack. We’d come so far in our relationship. I didn’t want to think he’d betrayed my father that way.

“I don’t want you to think this is your fault in any way.”

I tried to pull away as anger wanted to take hold. “Just tell me.”

“Evan, Emma. Evan punched your father, he fell, and you know the rest. For the record, I don’t believe he intended on killing him.”

I covered my mouth because I was going to scream as my knees buckled. Aiden caught me. Tears burst from my eyes. “He punched Dad and left him there to die?” I choked up. This was my fault. I brought Evan to see my dad.

“Yes. But I don’t think he waited around to see how serious it was. I’m not trying to give him an excuse. I just don’t think he’s a cold-blooded murderer. He will face the death penalty though.”

Nothing Aiden said in that moment penetrated. “It is my fault,” I cried.

I don’t know how long he held me or how I ended up at his home in bed. He stayed with me the entire time.

There were no words that generated for a long time after. I went through the grief cycle several times before I was coherent.

Hours later, when my tears had dried, I said, “I couldn’t have done this without you,” as I laid on Aiden’s chest, staring into space.

“You made sure your dad got the justice he deserved. I’m just happy I was here to help.”

“I thought I wanted to leave this town. I was so desperate to go, I let myself believe I was in love with the wrong man and Dad paid the price.”

“Emma. None of this is your fault. None of it. Evan made a choice. The wrong one. You didn’t know what could happen, would happen. And I will always be here for you. My parents will be here for you. They love you as much as I do.”

My heart raced with the joy I needed to get me through. “It’s because of him, I know exactly what love isn’t. It’s because of you, I know exactly what love is. I love you, Aiden. I don’t care if people think it’s too soon.”

He entwined our fingers together. “I thought it was almost too late. When I came back, I was sure I had lost you for good. You’re going to marry me one day, Emma Hawkins. You Copyright 2016 - 2024