Perfect Night (Mason Creek #4) - Terri E. Laine Page 0,66

earlier to cover me. I’ll probably stay until we close.”

He feigned a dagger to his heart. “I guess it’s hot dogs for me tonight.”

I laughed and it felt good after all the anger. “You’ll survive.”

“Maybe, maybe not. You’ve spoiled me.” He kissed me lightly. “Get back to work.”

And I did. I returned home late at night; Aiden was up in his room watching TV. He turned it off when I came in. “Hey stranger, I thought you’d never get home.”

“Missed me?” I teased, enjoying our banter.

“Missed you, I’m not whole until you’re with me.”

I spun around and my jaw opened. “Mr. Faulkner, did you steal that line from somewhere?”

“No. But you stole my heart.”

I moved over and crawled on the bed. He caught me and rolled us on our sides. “You’ve got all the lines tonight.”

“I’m just not holding back anymore. You have to understand, you’re it for me. My father told me that when I found my person, I’d know it. You are my person, Emma.”

There was no holding back now. “I’m falling in love with you Aiden. So no jokes, okay?”

“No jokes. I’m serious about this, about you, about us.” I was caught in the web of his gaze. “That’s why I need you to do one thing for me.”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t be alone tomorrow.”


I couldn’t answer her questions so I filled the spaces where words would have been with tender kisses and soft touches until she burned with desire. Then I filled her other places until she begged for release. I’d learned her rhythm and the tempo she needed to cross into bliss. I gave her everything she needed to get there. I held her tight because I knew what was coming, and I hated it for her.

Tomorrow was that day. All the pieces had come together. It was time to topple the bastard that had caused harm to Emma’s father and left her with the pain of it.

There was no perfect murder. Everyone made mistakes. You just had to find them.

I’d made a request to interview a person of interest and it was agreed to. I had my questions lined up in my head, but I also had notes and pictures ready to use.

When the bastard arrived, I had Bess escort the person of interest and their lawyer to the interrogation room. I left them there long enough to make the killer sweat.

I walked in and dropped my folder on the table between us. The sound broke the silence for a second. The lawyer and his client turned in my direction. They’d been quietly conversing.

“First, I’m going to let you know this is being recorded.” I gestured toward the camera before walking over and turning it on. “Now, I’ll read you your rights.” I recited the Miranda warning remembering the look on Emma’s face when it had been said to her because of this asshole.

I finally sat, placing the Miranda warning statement on the table. “Please sign.” I slid the page halfway over and the lawyer took it. He scanned the page before giving his client the okay to sign.

“Mr. Evan Daily. That is your name, isn’t it?” I asked.

“You know it is, asshole,” he said before his lawyer could stop him.

I leaned back because I had this one in the bag. “Why don’t you tell me where you were the night of Doug Hawkins’ death.” I gave him the exact date. “Let’s say anytime from midnight onward. Oh, and in case you don’t know, Doug Hawkins is Emma Hawkins, your former fiancée’s father.”

He glared at me.

“Would you like me to help you with that?”

The lawyer cut in. “Why is my client here?”

“He’s a person of interest.” The next I said while tapping the table with my index finger. “He’s the person of interest.” When he didn’t answer, I pulled out a picture of a rental car and slid it around so they could see. “Does this car look familiar?”

The image had been blown up from a surveillance video shot. The quality wasn’t great. Though the timestamp and license plate were clearly read.

“It could be any sedan.”

I nodded. “It could be. But do you recall renting a vehicle?”

The reason I hadn’t initially come to this conclusion was because I’d assumed Evan had driven his own vehicle to Mason Creek. He had gone to college in Montana. As he and his lawyer decided what to say, I pulled out another document.

“Does this refresh your memory?” I let them see a copy of the rental agreement.

His lawyer gave him Copyright 2016 - 2024