Perfect Night (Mason Creek #4) - Terri E. Laine Page 0,41

day, I had chores to do around the house. Through most of it, I floated. I was certain my feet hadn’t touched the ground. Was that what it was supposed to feel like when you were falling in love? Not that I was there with Aiden. But I hadn’t ever felt this way with anyone else, including Evan.

By the time I made it to the bar, I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. I didn’t even get pissed off when one of my waitresses called out. I put on my apron and got to work.

After the lunch crowd, one of my cooks, Robert informed me we were low on meat and wouldn’t last through the night. I scowled.

“Jack didn’t order any?” Though I asked the question, I didn’t think he knew the answer.

He shrugged.

“I’m going to run to Sal’s and see what I can get.” I stormed off having a feeling that Jack was seriously trying to screw me over.

Sal’s was behind the police department on a different street, but I could see the back parking lot of the station. I had to pry my eyes away from hoping to catch a glimpse of Aiden.

What was wrong with me? I’d seen him in the middle of the night. The problem was I could still feel his lips on mine.

I got out of my car and went into Sal’s.

Sal’s niece, Hallie, who was new to town, stood behind the counter.

“Hey, Hallie, it’s good to see you.” We’d met a few times while getting coffee. “I’m in a jam. I don’t think Jack put in my order with Wilder. It seems I’m short on ground beef and won’t make it through the dinner hour. Do you have—” I rattled off a number of pounds that made her eyes widen, “I can take off your hands?”

“I’ll have to go back and check.”

“If you could. I’ll take half that, even a quarter could get us through the night. Then, I can straighten things out with Wilder tomorrow.”

I swore she blushed. Did she have a thing for Wilder? He was a good-looking guy.

When she came back, she said, “This is what I can get you.” She told me the amount and arranged to get it in my car.

It was less than half of what I needed, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. “Can you put it on my account?”

She nodded.

“You know we should hang out some time,” I said.


We didn’t make exact plans, but now that Jessie had Miles and his adorable son, even I knew we wouldn’t be hanging out as much.

I drove back to the bar and made a few trips to haul in the meat with the cook’s help. On the last trip, I ran into Jack.

“We need to talk,” I snapped.

“Yeah, but I think you need to deal with your boyfriend first. He’s asking for you out front.”

Evan had been my fiancé, and what I had with Aiden was new. Still, I wasn’t sure who he was referring to after all the comments he made about my personal life. I brushed passed him and breezed into the main bar area.

When I spotted Evan talking to Darcy, I didn’t miss a step. I found that I had no reaction to their closeness.

“Hey Emma,” Darcy said like we were best friends.

I ignored her. “Evan, what are you doing here?”

His carefree expression shifted quickly into a frown. “Is that how you greet your fiancé?”

It didn’t matter that we’d gained the attention of everyone in hearing distance. It was time the town knew my relationship status.

“I told you the other day, we aren’t together anymore.”

He glanced around before flashing me a placid smile. “With everything that’s happened, I can understand that you’re confused about our future, but I’m not. I’m here because I want us to work.”

There wasn’t an admission of love, which suited me fine. I didn’t think either of us had really loved one another. I’d cared, not so much anymore, especially after seeing this side of him.

While he’d been going on, I’d worked the ring off my finger. I took his hand and placed it in his palm. “This should clear things up for you. We’re done.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, his tone turning hostile. “There’s no turning back.” I let my eyebrow arch in answer. “Fine.” He held up the ring. “I don’t need this back. It’s not like it’s real, though no one noticed. Not surprised in this hick town. Though I’d planned to give you a real one once Copyright 2016 - 2024