The Perfect Mother - Caroline Mitchell Page 0,42

nervous. Only last week I was watching you on Netflix and now you’re sitting in front of me.’

Sheridan flashed a row of perfect teeth in a dazzling smile. ‘Oh, honey, it’s OK, I’m flesh and blood like everyone else. But we can’t let the grass grow under our feet. If we’re not the right couple for you then we can’t afford to waste time.’ Her words reminded me that my trip here was no jolly. This was business. She wanted an answer. Sheridan was not one to delay. ‘What can you tell me about the father?’

This was a subject we had already discussed, and I gave her my stock response. ‘He’s my age, good-looking, healthy – he’s in the army. He doesn’t know about the baby and that’s the way I want it to stay.’

‘And are you sure you won’t regret it? Is there any chance of you getting together in the future? How would you feel then?’

I shook my head vehemently. ‘It was a one-off. I was at a low point in my life – I’d lost my job, I didn’t have much money and I didn’t know where to turn. He offered me a bit of comfort. But I don’t sleep around. In fact, he’s only the second fella I’ve ever slept with. Just my luck, eh?’ But I don’t think Sheridan got my humour, as it failed to raise a smile. I rubbed my right heel against the front of my other leg. The shoes George had bought me were pinching like hell.

‘You don’t need to justify your sexual history, honey. I’m only interested in the father and the chances of you regretting this.’

‘He’s got a girlfriend,’ I blurted, realising how bad it made me look. ‘I didn’t know at the time. He doesn’t come home very often. I knew after it happened that I’d made a huge mistake.’ I had been about to say that he was my best friend’s brother, but then I remembered I wasn’t meant to have any current friends. Sheridan’s shoulders dropped half an inch as she relaxed. I’d given her the answer she wanted to hear.

But it was all a lie. If it were Dympna’s brother, I might have coped. I hated lying about such an important thing, but the truth was too ugly to bear.

Sheridan seemed unconcerned. ‘Come with me,’ she said, beckoning towards the doorway. ‘Let me show you around.’

The ground floor consisted of a vast kitchen, with gadgets I didn’t even know had been invented yet. Every surface was smooth and shiny, the antithesis of my flat back home. The air was crisp and clean, thanks to built-in purifiers; the water was purified, too, the showers infused with vitamin C. I walked with her up the winding staircase, a leather-clad handrail guiding my way.

‘Stop,’ she said, as I turned left. ‘That’s Daniel’s wing.’

‘Sorry,’ I said, understanding the need for privacy.

‘You weren’t to know.’ She smiled. ‘It’s where he keeps all his Bond memorabilia. Very few people are allowed anywhere near it. Come, let me show you Leo’s room.’

‘Wow,’ I whispered as I walked inside.

‘This room was designed by Louis Spencer. I like to keep the decor gender-neutral.’

I didn’t know the name, but looked suitably impressed. The room was actually a suite, almost as big as my flat. In the corner was a teepee, and light oak floorboards complemented the natural room colouring. Cheerful yellow cushions and curtains added a pop of colour.

‘I love it,’ I said, wondering what was in store for child number two. There was no television in the room, but I saw a shelf full of books. I imagined my baby playing with art supplies. Would it be creative, like me?


I snapped out of my daydream. Sheridan was calling my name. I followed her on to the landing, and she pointed to a closed door.

‘That’s our bedroom,’ she said, walking past without further explanation, and moving on. ‘This will be the baby’s, after she has left our room. I like to keep them beside my bed for at least the first six months.’

It was music to my ears. I would have been the same, listening for every little sniffle. Listening to the baby breathe. As she opened the door, I was hit by a waft of fresh paint.

‘Oh,’ I said, taken aback by the stark white walls.

‘It’s just an undercoat,’ Sheridan said. ‘It’s waiting to be decorated. Waiting for that special touch.’ She turned to face me, her eyes moist. ‘Louis has so many amazing Copyright 2016 - 2024