The Perfect Mother - Caroline Mitchell Page 0,107

James Bond. Apart from his family, fulfilling his dream of playing the part was the most important thing to him in the world. The only downside was that he would have to spend six months at a time on set in Alaska. It wouldn’t have been too bad if it was New York or LA, but Alaska felt so far away. Natasha made no secret of her admiration for Daniel. A British actress, she was young, intelligent and stunningly beautiful – and soon she would have Daniel all to herself.

Sheridan shook her head as she reread the piece. Daniel was thrilled, of course. He hadn’t even consulted Sheridan before accepting the role – after everything she had done to keep him here with her: the risks she had taken, the commitments she had made. She placed a hand over the fake bump beneath her dress. Roz could never replace Kelly in Daniel’s eyes. Sheridan’s plan had backfired, and she herself was no longer enough to keep him. If he left her straight after the birth of their daughter, all the sponsorship deals she had fought so hard for would fall apart. As for his late-night sessions at the bar with doting Natasha . . . Didn’t Daniel realise how bad it looked? It was hardly the behaviour of a family man.

She had hoped the new baby would improve things, but he hadn’t even helped her to pick a name.

‘Penny for ’em.’ Monica’s voice filtered into her consciousness. She had been in the bathroom, under Anna’s watchful eye. Nobody was allowed to roam freely in Sheridan’s house, not even her best friend.

‘I should be happy,’ Sheridan said. ‘Daniel’s over the moon, but all I can think about is how it’s going to affect us.’

‘Quit reading that trash, for a start,’ Monica said, her gaze on the report. ‘All that guff about Natasha and Daniel. Sure, she likes him, but doesn’t every woman with a pulse have a soft spot for Danny boy?’ Reaching out, she touched Sheridan’s hand. ‘He’s nuts about you. Anyone can see that.’

‘Thanks.’ Sheridan gave her a watery smile.

‘Is somethin’ else wrong?’ Monica squeezed her hand. ‘You can talk to me.’

Sheridan shifted in her seat, the padding beneath her dress making her skin itch. ‘Pregnancy hormones.’ She sipped her decaf coffee as Monica stared her down. Her friend wasn’t buying her excuse; she needed to come up with something better. She sighed. ‘I had postnatal depression after Leo. I’m scared it might come back.’

She remembered how cruel the newspapers had been, how Alex Santana had twisted the knife. Of course she’d looked gaunt; Daniel’s sudden act of violence had left her unable to think straight for weeks. It was why she had vowed to put things right. Protect their marriage at all costs.

Sheridan’s afternoon with Monica had left her emotionally exhausted. There was only so much soul-searching she could endure. And now Daniel had come home, consumed by his own wants and needs.

‘We need to talk.’ He patted the sofa, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand.

Shirley Bassey’s velvety tones filtered through the ceiling speakers in the living room. It seemed apt, given the topic of discussion.

‘If you’re going to tell me you’ve accepted the role of James Bond, don’t bother. I already know.’ Sheridan pouted as she slid next to her husband. She had poured herself a Martini. It felt good to have a real drink and take off that dreaded bump. Leo was asleep; her entourage had been dismissed for the evening, and it was just the two of them.

Daniel had the grace to look sheepish.

‘This is meant to be a partnership,’ she said. ‘You could have at least discussed it with me. We barely talk any more.’

‘I told you they’d shown interest.’

‘But not that you’d signed on the dotted line.’

‘I’m still waiting for the contracts to be finalised. I’ve not signed yet.’ Daniel paused to sip his whiskey. ‘Who told you?’

‘TJ called. He presumed I already knew.’

‘I changed my burner phone. Forgot to give him the new number.’ Daniel swirled his whiskey, his ice cubes clinking against the glass.

Sheridan watched him intently. ‘Your agent should be the first person on your list.’ She narrowed her eyes as Daniel muttered incoherent words under his breath. ‘What did you say?’ She said, her frown deepening.

‘I thought you’d be happy for me,’ he replied. ‘You know how much I’ve wanted this.’

She touched Daniel’s hand. ‘Honey, I always knew you’d get it. But what are we going to do Copyright 2016 - 2024