Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,89

maybe it started different, softer, but it was always much more real.”

Watching them over the years and even now, as they held hands, united as they discussed the past, Mike couldn’t help but believe.

“And yes, I was grateful Simon offered me a future. What pregnant single woman wouldn’t be? But once I was with Simon, I never wished Rex had stepped up—except for your sake.”

Mike nodded in understanding, as Ella smiled gently at him. “You’re entitled to have questions about us. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if your views on relationships weren’t skewed by things you wondered about but didn’t ask.” She eyed him with those wise, brown eyes, making him squirm.

He didn’t know what she meant and, given the fact that she wanted him to discuss his love life, he didn’t plan to ask. But that wouldn’t stop her from continuing.

“You say you don’t want a serious relationship. In fact, you believe you aren’t capable of one because that would mean staying in one place, correct?”

When he didn’t answer right away, she rolled up a magazine and smacked his leg.


“Answer me,” she said, a twinkle lighting her gaze.

“Why bother? You already think you know the answer!”

Simon snickered. “Haven’t you learned by now? Humor her, son.”

“You’re right. I’ve never stayed in one place or with one woman very long. I don’t think I can.”

“Bullshit,” his very proper mother said.

Mike blinked in surprise.

“You’ve been in Manhattan for a long time, haven’t you?”

He nodded.

“That’s commitment. You came here when your father needed you? Also commitment. As for women, did you ever think you just hadn’t met the right woman?”

Simon patted his wife’s hand. “She’s got a point. I wouldn’t have stepped up to marry and love just any pregnant woman.”

Mike’s head was spinning, not just with all the emotional shit they were throwing at him, but really, who wanted to hear about his parents’ sex life? No matter how far in the past? They’d given him plenty to think about, but it was past time to change the subject.

“When your mother was with Rex, I sowed my share of wild oats. I never thought I’d settle down with one woman,” Simon said.

“Okay, enough. I appreciate the truth and the talk. I do. But I need time to digest it all, okay?”

“Fair enough.” Simon swept his hand through the air, cutting off any further discussion. “Any thoughts on what you’re going to do with the cold case?”

The older man didn’t pull any punches, with anything. It was as if being given a clean bill of health from his cancer scare had brought the old Simon back, and for that Mike was grateful.

“Yeah, I’ve done nothing but think about what to tell the mayor.” He ran a hand through his hair and met his father’s gaze. “Listen, legally you should be fine. The statute of limitations on any past crime has run out. Nobody’s going to prosecute, so a full reveal wouldn’t jeopardize your freedom.”

Simon’s reputation? That was another story and explained why Mike was sick to his stomach over his alternatives. Because telling the truth was the only out that Mike could see that would put this whole damn thing behind the family once and for all.

“Before you say anything else, I need you to know something,” Simon said.

Mike swallowed hard. “Go on.”

“I’d never ask you to bury the truth to protect me. From the time I made the choice to replace the money, I knew there was a chance of being found out. I’ve lived with the knowledge that I did something I wasn’t proud of. More than losing my job, I dreaded you kids finding out.”

Mike shook his head, not wanting his father to feel bad. “Want to know one more thing? Honestly?”

Simon nodded. “Always.”

“It’s good to know you’re not perfect after all.”

His father burst out laughing, as did Ella.

“Oh, son. If I ever made you feel like I was—”

“You didn’t. That was all me, living in Rex’s shadow and comparing myself to you, Erin, and Sam.” It felt damn good admitting that out loud, and it helped shed some of the weight he’d carried around with him for most of his life.

“Michael…” Ella’s voice trailed off.

“It’s okay. I’m fine. We’re fine,” he said to his mother.

Simon cleared his throat. “One last thing. Don’t you worry about telling the mayor what you need to. I can handle it.”

Mike already knew that now. Not that he liked what he had to do worth a damn. “What about your job? She might Copyright 2016 - 2024